Thunder Bay to Move to Modern Pothole Repair
THUNDER BAY – City Council voted unanimously to purchase a Python 5000 Pothole Patcher. The machine which the manufacturer states will repair potholes at a level that will outlast the original road surface, will arrive by October.
The new machine will likely extend the life of many roads in the city.
The machine will reduce labour costs as only one operator is needed. As well, the machine can be used at temperatures as low as -20c, which based on the weather conditions could allow the machine to start operations far earlier in the season, or perhaps even during some of the ever changing weather conditions that Thunder Bay has been experiencing.
Pothole repair in the city currently is a far more manual process with fill being put in potholes, but not machine compacted. Often depending on weather conditions, or road conditions, the pothole repairs may not last all that long. The new technology should ensure that drivers get a far smoother ride.