THUNDER BAY – LETTERS – Having lived through the wrath of Erdogan twice now, I predict the following will happen: Erdogan and his band of thugs will execute all 1500+ prisoners.
He’s already delusional and paranoid, so the quality of life for the average Turk will diminish greatly.
Media will be strangled and riot police, already a fixture in Turkish daily life, will have even more control over the population.
This failed coup plays right into Erdogan’s playbook and he’ll use it to manipulate the system until he finally succeeds in becoming dictator for life.
If I read one more statement from heads of government around the world saying “We support the democratically-elected government in Turkey”, I’m going to go postal. Even 5-year olds in Turkey knows this is codswallop.
The electoral process is rigged and so corrupt, the UN has to bring in observers.
Life is about to become very difficult.
This folks, is a major game changer.
Some perspective on what’s actually happening in Turkey: The Turkish military does not report to the president. They serve only to maintain the vision of the country’s founder Ataturk – to establish a secular democracy.
Hence the Turkish Republic. Erdogan is a religious conservative and is moving the country in that direction which goes directly against the original tenets of secularism and democracy.
This is not the first time the Turkish military has taken over a government when the country strays from its founding principals. The current military has decided to remove this president in order to restore secularism and democracy.
The police report to the president which is why the military and the police are fighting.
Joanne Thoma Yaccato