Confederation College Hosts Familiarization Tours

16 guests from southern Ontario participated in the Familiarization Tour at Confederation College
16 guests from southern Ontario participated in the Familiarization Tour at Confederation College

16 guests from southern Ontario participated in the Familiarization Tour at Confederation College
16 guests from southern Ontario participated in the Familiarization Tour at Confederation College

THUNDER BAY – Confederation College offers opportunities. Sixteen guests from southern Ontario were welcomed by the Confederation College recruitment team to Thunder Bay and the College campus for a pilot project offered in partnership with Study North. The Familiarization Tour kicked off on Sunday with a tour of the city, and was followed by dinner in the Waterfront District and an overnight stay in the Spruce & Cedar House apartment-style residences on campus.

Eight prospective students and their accompanying guests (most often a parent), woke up with a breakfast in the Confederation cafeteria, then participated in a both a College tour and a program-specific tour, including a chat with a member of the program faculty. They jetted off for home mid-day Monday. The experience was offered at no expense to participants. The initiative is intended to showcase Confederation College to prospective students who might not otherwise make it to Thunder Bay for an in-person tour.

Participants were treated to a tour of Thunder Bay
Participants were treated to a tour of Thunder Bay

Anyone interested in booking a tour and/or an appointment can contact the recruitment team by calling (807) 475-6110. It’s not too late to apply. Visit​ for more information.

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