Thunder Bay Budget Was Challenging – Andrew Foulds

Thunder Bay City Hall
Thunder Bay City Hall
Andrew Foulds
Andrew Foulds

THUNDER BAY – CIVIC POLITICS – There is no question that the city budget is the most important thing City Council does on a yearly basis. The 2015 budget was one of the most challenging I have been part of since first being elected in 2006. This year we had to make some tough decisions and that is what I was elected to do.

As the city councillor for Current River, I am very proud of many of the gains the city and ward have made and will make this coming year.

Specifically, Current River will see major road construction on Cumberland St., Grenville Ave., Hodder Ave. and Hudson Ave. There will also be improvements made to residential streets including Montclair and Hallam Ave.

Several years ago the North End Recreation Centre developed their Master Plan. We have been working towards this plan as funds become available. Recently, the Recreation Centre has seen improvements in play structures and fields. This year will see the addition of a basketball and volleyball court designed and built for teenagers. Further, the engineering and design work will be completed for a splash pad to be built next year.

This year substantial internal renovations will be completed at the Current River Recreation Centre allowing the centre to provide improved meeting and dining space for the community.

Centennial Park which has seen new trails, a new lookout, farm improvements and significant restoration projects completed recently will be the home of a new off leash dog park.

Significant reconstruction work on the Boulevard Lake Dam will begin this summer. Improvements will involve structural work and widening the walking surface on top of the Dam to improve traffic flow. This work will be coupled with water/sewer pipe replacement under the channel and dredging of the bottom of the lake. The dredging will improve the water quality, fish habitat and the racing conditions for dragon boating.

This summer’s work on Boulevard Lake will coincide with the development of a Boulevard Lake Master Plan. There has never been a Master Plan, specifically, for the Boulevard Lake Park. This is an opportunity to develop this municipal gem into the facility we want and to sustain it for the future. There will be two public open houses this spring. As it is critical for all citizens have their say, I would encourage everyone to attend the open houses or submit their input online.

It continues to be a pleasure to serve the citizens of Thunder Bay and the residents of Current River at City Hall. It is an honour to advocate for this wonderful, vibrant and exciting place we call home: Current River.

Andrew Foulds

Councillor City of Thunder Bay Current River Ward

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