THUNDER BAY – Business – Thunder Bay Farm Co-operative has received industry recognition. Thunder Bay Co-operative Farm Supplies is the FS System’s most north-westerly located co-operative in the GROWMARK System. The Co-op was established just over 60 years ago and has just over 120 member-owners. The co-operative provides local farmers with quality agriculture related products such as feed, seed, fertilizer and other necessary supplies like fencing, metal roofing and siding, livestock equipment and tractor implements. For the home, the co-operative provides lawn seed, pet products and hardware for local residents and farmers.
Thunder Bay Co-operative Farm Supplies, based in Thunder Bay, Ontario, recently received a Performance Improvement award at the GROWMARK, Inc. Annual Meeting in Chicago. Ben Postuma is the manager and Fritz Jaspers is the president.
GROWMARK measures the improvement in the performance of member co-operatives based on return on invested capital. Over a five-year time frame, each co-operative’s return on invested capital improvement is measured in comparison to other co-operatives in the System. From this measurement, the Performance Improvement Award was developed.
GROWMARK is a regional co-operative providing agriculture-related products and services, as well as grain marketing in Ontario and over 40 in the US. GROWMARK owns the FS trademark, which is used by affiliated member co-operatives. More information is available at www.growmark.com.