Value comes to value and respect is earned – Majalahti


Coming from a professional wrestling background, and having spent so many years in the game, I can say that I inherently and dare I say intuitively now understand the stirring words of 16-time World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, “Nature Boy” Ric Flair, when he so poignantly coined: “You have got to be willing to sweat, bleed and pay the price to be The Man!”

These words stand true regardless of what your vocation or goal is in life.  If you are not willing to go the distance, and then some, then you simply DO NOT deserve whatever it is that you aspire to.  If you are only willing to go “so far”, and then cut and dry you are finished, you do not deserve “it”.  If someone asks you to go a mile, and you are not willing to throw in an additional mile for good measure to make your contribution truly worthwhile, YOU DO NOT DESERVE IT.

Hard words, yes.  Perhaps harder than most would care to hear, and in so saying I believe there are those who will blot their ears to this message from here on out.  But as the saying goes – if the shoe fits, wear it.

Simply put, I have seen in my own professional wrestling career, that when I have been willing to go the extra mile, when I have performed beyond expectations, when I have done that which no one else wanted to do, I have been able to build a reputation.  And all you have in this life, dear folks, is your reputation.  Talk is cheap.  Back it up, walk the walk.

There are so many talkers out there that it makes me nauseous.  Lots of lips flapping but little action taking place.  Too many chiefs and not enough Indians.  When it comes down to do or die, how many are willing to put their necks out?

Like a certain extremely successful businessman once so aptly coined: “Just give me the facts as they are, not as you would like them to be.”

Take stock: Are YOU willing to go the extra mile?  Are YOU willing to go over and beyond what is expected of you?

Value comes to value and respect is earned.

A hard lesson to learn and apply, but hey, what can you do?  Other than suck it up and up the ante in the process, that is.

Revolution Now

To learn more about Michael, and read some of his other endeavors, visit his MySpace.

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