Twinning Northern Highways Creates Jobs
THUNDER BAY – Michael Gravelle states, “Our Northern Highways Program helps spur economic development and improve safety and the quality of life for residents, industries and visitors throughout the North. Locally, it is driving the four-laning of the entire Thunder Bay to Nipigon corridor, which includes the construction of the spectacular Nipigon River bridge.”
The Province of Ontario is creating more than 5,000 jobs as it continues to expand and improve highways throughout Northern Ontario. This year’s Northern Highways Program investments will include rehabilitation projects for roads, highways and bridges, such as:
· Establishing new passing lanes,
· Improving signage and lighting and,
· Continuing the four-laning of Highway 69 south of Sudbury and Highway 11-17 between Thunder Bay and Nipigon.
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Glen Murray says, “The Northern Highways Program reflects the high priority our government’s puts on the expansion and improvement of northern highways. Our investments in highway infrastructure are creating jobs and fostering prosperity throughout Northern Ontario.”
These projects will make travel easier and safer for families and business while strengthening tourism and the economy in the north.
Investing in roads, highways, and bridges is part of the Ontario government’s Growth Plan for Northern Ontario. A strong northern economy will help people in their everyday lives and create more opportunities for jobs and economic prosperity.
Quick Facts
- Northern Ontario has almost 11,000 kilometres of highway, about 60 per cent of the entire provincial highway network.
- More than $513 million will be invested in the Northern Highways Program to support highway infrastructure rehabilitation and expansion and safety initiative projects.
- Since 2003, the province has improved 3,146 kilometres of highway and 187 bridges, and constructed 387 kilometres of new four-lane highway along with 102 new bridges throughout Northern Ontario.