How are USA casinos targeting UK players in order to achieve a new market for growth in 2025

How are USA casinos targeting UK players in order to achieve a new market for growth in 2025

The online casino industry in the U.S is an extremely intriguing one. Due to the federal system in place, each individual state is responsible for governing their citizens and therefore for proposing and passing the legislation for citizens to follow. The topic of online gambling has divided many states, with some committing completely to passing legislation to permit the activity, while other states have only granted permission for certain forms to be played within their boundaries.

Currently, 13 states do not allow any form of gambling, while only 7 states have passed legislation to cater for all forms of gambling, including sports betting, retail and online, lottery, and online casinos. While sports betting is lucrative in the states it is permitted in, the net revenue gained from online casinos far outstrips that from sports betting. The states that reap the rewards from online casino revenue are an example that other states are supposedly keen to follow.

The revenue numbers are also representative of the interest shown in iGaming by the American citizens that are legally allowed to gamble in their state. But while Americans are the natural target audience, there is also a global audience that US online casinos can appeal to, which can only drive more growth.

The iGaming situation in the UK especially is currently under scrutiny due to restrictions on wagering limits implemented by the UK government and UK Gambling Commission (UKGC). With a section of disgruntled players potentially exploring new international options, how can American online casinos take advantage of this uncertainty in the UK?

Bonus Money

With American online casino players in the states where it is permitted already generating substantial amounts of revenue, any additional revenue from overseas players would be a bonus. And with online casinos possessing the ability to shower players in bonuses, these extra incentives are enticing British players onto U.S platforms over the pond.

Coding capabilities have enabled game developers and online casino operators to offer a plethora of bonuses to players from the moment they sign up to an operator. Deposit bonuses are followed up by free spins on online slots games for reloading, while in-game bonus rounds, and VIP loyalty programs offer their own individual benefits. With the ability to warp yourself to another server by using a VPN, British players are also just a click away from U.S online casinos.

The Power of Digital Marketing

One of the most powerful tools that emerging and established online casinos have at their disposal is the online community. While old-fashioned billboards can promote a product to local citizens, online advertising has no boundaries. Nowadays, there is a significantly greater emphasis on digital marketing, as well as social media. Both these tools can be used to reach audiences not only across the U.S, but also worldwide.

By spreading the word through Twitter and Facebook pages, YouTube channels, and targeted advertising, U.S online casinos can easily reach out to UK-based online casino players. The importance of digital marketing and social media is representative of the increased influence the digital world has in everyday society. With people spending more time on their smartphones or computers, there is also a higher chance of content being viewed.

Open for Business

The U.S often features as a leader across all industries. Whether it is the space race, self-drive cars, or package delivery by drones, the U.S usually flexes its might. The online casino market is no different for the U.S. Despite being behind the UK with regards to a history with online gambling, the U.S is attempting to catch up. By appealing to UK-based players, the U.S are showing that they are open for business. And with more states potentially joining the iGaming movement, those revenue numbers could skyrocket in the coming years.

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