5 Things You Should Know Before Getting Invisalign

Invisalign Photo by Enis Yavus on Unsplash

Invisalign has undeniably revolutionized the process of teeth straightening. The era of enduring gum irritation, extracting lodged food from metal braces, and opting for a tight-lipped smile for straighter teeth is over. 

For adults contemplating orthodontic options, invisalign stands out as an attractive choice. It offers discretion, comfort, and the convenience of being removable, eliminating the need for complicated cleaning routines around wires and brackets, and allowing for a vibrant social life without hindrance. Remember that invisalign might not be suitable for everyone, and various factors should be weighed before deciding if it is the best option for you.

It’s a Dedication

A major advantage of Invisalign is the flexibility to remove them for meals and cleaning. However, this is where many people may falter. Leaving your aligners off for more than two hours daily will hinder your progress; be sure to wear them for at least 22 hours a day.

Exceeding the two-hour limit can significantly delay your progress, as your teeth tend to tighten and require time to adjust again when you reinsert the aligners. Opting for Invisalign means committing to wearing them as recommended. The good news is that you’ll notice results relatively quickly with diligent use.

Slight Alterations in Your Speech

Just like with braces, you may experience an adjustment period when speaking with aligners in your mouth. Each new aligner can bring challenges, such as a minor lisp. Fortunately, your speech is unlikely to be significantly or long-term impacted, and many patients encounter no difficulties at all.

Over time, you’ll adapt and be able to speak as you normally would. If persistent issues arise, or if your speech is noticeably impacted, it might indicate a problem with the aligner you are using. It’s advisable to schedule a visit with your Etobicoke dentist to have it examined promptly.

Take Them Out to Eat

With the Invisalign system, unlike traditional braces, there’s no need to avoid certain foods. You can indulge in all your favorite meals without the concern of sticky or difficult-to-clean foods getting caught in metal brackets or wires.

However, since you might become used to having the aligners on your teeth, some patients occasionally forget to take them out before eating or chewing gum. Remember to remove them before meals or chewing to maintain their condition.

Your Oral Care Routine Will Take More Time

With Invisalign, maintaining good oral hygiene through brushing and flossing becomes crucial. Remember that anything left on your teeth when you insert your aligners will stay there for an extended period.

Failing to clean your teeth thoroughly beforehand raises the risk of decay, potentially leading to cavities and severe issues like gum disease later on. Besides caring for your teeth, it’s also essential to clean your aligners regularly. While your dentist will guide you on how to do this, the process is simple.

It Might Not Be Completely Painless

While many individuals find Invisalign painless, some experience discomfort due to sharp edges. If this happens to you, consider two solutions: have your dentist smooth out the rough edges or apply wax to prevent irritation in your mouth. Tackle any irritation early on. Don’t wait until the discomfort is unbearable, use wax immediately and consult your dentist to adjust the edges if necessary.


Choosing whether Invisalign is the right option requires careful consideration and thorough discussion with your dentist. In many situations, Invisalign offers a straightforward and convenient method to align your teeth and enhance their appearance.

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