Community Safety Starts with You To Keep Your Children Safer

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Recognizing Potential Drug Activity in Your Neighborhood

While it’s important not to jump to conclusions, certain signs may indicate potential drug activity at a residence. Remember, these are just potential indicators, and it’s crucial to contact law enforcement if you have genuine concerns.

Possible Signs of a Drug House/Trap House:

  • Unusual Activity:

    • Frequent short visits by various individuals, especially at odd hours.
    • People loitering outside the property.
    • Vehicles arriving and leaving quickly, sometimes with occupants only briefly entering the house.
    • Increased nighttime activity.
  • Security Measures:

    • Windows constantly covered or blacked out.
    • Security cameras and excessive locks on doors and windows.
    • Efforts to conceal the identity of those entering and exiting.
  • Physical Signs:

    • Neglected property with overgrown lawns or unkempt appearance.
    • Unusual odors, such as strong chemical smells.
    • Evidence of drug paraphernalia (pipes, needles, etc.) discarded nearby.
  • Behavioral Changes:

    • Residents become secretive or withdrawn.
    • Increased hostility or defensiveness towards neighbors.
    • Unusual noise levels, especially late at night.

Important Note:

Observing one or two of these signs doesn’t necessarily mean a house is involved in drug activity. However, a combination of these factors, especially if they persist over time, may warrant further attention.

What to Do if You Suspect Drug Activity:

  • Document your observations: Keep a record of dates, times, and specific details of the activity you witness.
  • Contact your local law enforcement: Report your concerns to the police. They can investigate the situation and take appropriate action.
  • Remain anonymous: If you prefer, you can report your concerns anonymously through Crime Stoppers.
  • Stay vigilant: Continue to be aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious activity to the police.

Remember, community safety is a shared responsibility. By being observant and reporting suspicious activity, you can help create a safer neighborhood for everyone.

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