October 16, 2024: Northern Ontario First Nations Weather Report

Image: North Star Air - photo by Devon Creyf, Captain PC12 Pilatus
Image: North Star Air - photo by Devon Creyf, Captain PC12 Pilatus

THUNDER BAY – Weather – As October progresses, the First Nations communities across Northern Ontario are starting to feel the sharp turn towards colder conditions. Snow flurries, chilly winds, and overcast skies dominate the forecast for many regions over the next few days. Be prepared for colder temperatures, and ensure you’re dressed appropriately for the changing weather.

Let’s take a look at the detailed weather forecast for October 16th to 18th, 2024, for communities across the northern expanse of Ontario.

Marten Falls

Current Conditions: 2°C, overcast skies, with light winds from the northeast at 15 km/h. Barometric pressure: 1023 mb.
Forecast (Oct 16-18): Cloudy today with a high of 4°C and the chance of flurries overnight. On the 17th, expect more overcast skies with temperatures rising to 5°C. The 18th will bring light snow showers in the morning with a high of 3°C.
Wardrobe: Winter coats and gloves are recommended, as wind and snow will add to the chill over the next few days.

Historical Trivia: Marten Falls lies along the Albany River, which has historically been an important waterway for the fur trade.

Sunrise: 7:56 AM | Sunset: 6:46 PM

Wasaho Cree Nation (Fort Severn)

Current Conditions: -2°C, mostly cloudy, northeast winds at 20 km/h. Barometric pressure: 1027 mb.
Forecast (Oct 16-18): Fort Severn will see cloudy skies today with a high of 0°C. The 17th will remain overcast with light snow showers in the afternoon and a high of -1°C. Expect snow to continue on the 18th with cooler conditions and a high of -3°C.
Wardrobe: Heavy winter clothing, including parkas, boots, and mittens, are a must, especially as snow moves in.

Historical Trivia: Fort Severn is Ontario’s northernmost community and has a subarctic climate, making snow a regular feature by mid-October.

Sunrise: 8:35 AM | Sunset: 6:57 PM

Fort Hope (Eabametoong)

Current Conditions: 3°C, clear skies, light winds from the north at 10 km/h. Barometric pressure: 1024 mb.
Forecast (Oct 16-18): Today will be chilly but clear, with a high of 5°C. Expect increasing cloudiness on the 17th, with a high of 4°C and light snow showers by the 18th as temperatures drop to 2°C.
Wardrobe: Light layers for today’s clearer conditions, but heavier winter coats will be needed as snow arrives on the 18th.

Historical Trivia: Eabametoong, or Fort Hope, is one of the oldest settlements in the region, with its roots in the fur trade.

Sunrise: 8:04 AM | Sunset: 6:52 PM

Sachigo Lake

Current Conditions: 0°C, partly cloudy, northeast winds at 10 km/h. Barometric pressure: 1025 mb.
Forecast (Oct 16-18): Today will bring partly cloudy skies and a high of 3°C. On the 17th, expect more cloud cover with a chance of snow flurries in the evening and a high of 2°C. Light snow showers will continue into the 18th, with temperatures staying around 1°C.
Wardrobe: Prepare for cold weather with a winter jacket, hat, and gloves, especially with snow expected later in the week.

Historical Trivia: Sachigo Lake is located in a region with rich Indigenous history, deeply connected to the traditional lifestyles of hunting, fishing, and trapping.

Sunrise: 8:11 AM | Sunset: 6:56 PM

KI (Big Trout Lake)

Current Conditions: -1°C, overcast skies, light winds from the northeast at 15 km/h. Barometric pressure: 1028 mb.
Forecast (Oct 16-18): Overcast skies today with a high of 2°C. The 17th will bring the chance of snow flurries in the afternoon, with a high of 1°C. Snow showers are likely on the 18th, with temperatures staying around -1°C.
Wardrobe: Heavy winter gear is needed, with hats, gloves, and boots to handle the cold and snow.

Historical Trivia: Big Trout Lake, home to the KI First Nation, is one of the largest lakes in Northern Ontario, with a rich ecosystem that has supported the community for centuries.

Sunrise: 8:19 AM | Sunset: 6:59 PM

Sandy Lake

Current Conditions: -1°C, mostly cloudy, light winds from the northeast at 10 km/h. Barometric pressure: 1027 mb.
Forecast (Oct 16-18): Mostly cloudy skies today with a high of 3°C. The 17th will see similar conditions, with a high of 2°C and flurries expected by evening. Light snow will continue into the 18th with a high of 0°C.
Wardrobe: Winter jackets, scarves, and gloves will be essential, particularly with snow in the forecast for the weekend.

Historical Trivia: Sandy Lake is known for its strong connection to traditional medicine practices, with many elders still passing down ancient knowledge of healing plants.

Sunrise: 8:15 AM | Sunset: 6:54 PM


Current Conditions: 1°C, cloudy, northeast winds at 15 km/h. Barometric pressure: 1025 mb.
Forecast (Oct 16-18): Cloudy today with a high of 4°C. Expect light snow flurries by the evening of the 17th, with a high of 3°C. Snow will continue into the 18th with a high of 1°C.
Wardrobe: Warm layers and waterproof boots are recommended, especially with snow on the way.

Historical Trivia: Pikangikum is located along the Berens River and is known for its long history of artisanal craftsmanship, particularly in canoe building.

Sunrise: 8:07 AM | Sunset: 6:52 PM

Cat Lake

Current Conditions: 0°C, partly cloudy, light winds from the north at 10 km/h. Barometric pressure: 1026 mb.
Forecast (Oct 16-18): Partly cloudy skies today with a high of 4°C. The 17th will bring increasing cloud cover with a chance of snow by evening, and a high of 2°C. Snow will continue into the 18th with temperatures hovering around 1°C.
Wardrobe: Winter jackets and boots will be needed by Friday, especially as snow begins to accumulate.

Historical Trivia: Cat Lake’s name is thought to have originated from the large number of lynx historically found in the area.

Sunrise: 8:09 AM | Sunset: 6:53 PM

Kasabonika Lake

Current Conditions: 0°C, mostly cloudy, light winds from the north at 10 km/h. Barometric pressure: 1027 mb.
Forecast (Oct 16-18): Mostly cloudy skies today with a high of 3°C. Light snow flurries are expected by the evening of the 17th, and snow will continue into the 18th, with a high of 1°C.
Wardrobe: Prepare for colder weather with a winter jacket, gloves, and warm footwear.

Historical Trivia: Kasabonika Lake is known for its remote location, and its residents have long relied on traditional hunting and fishing for sustenance.

Sunrise: 8:14 AM | Sunset: 6:58 PM

Neskantaga (Lansdowne House)

Current Conditions: 1°C, cloudy, northeast winds at 15 km/h. Barometric pressure: 1026 mb.
Forecast (Oct 16-18): Cloudy skies today with a high of 4°C. The 17th will see the arrival of snow flurries, with a high of 3°C. Snow will continue into the 18th with a high of 2°C.
Wardrobe: Winter clothing, including warm coats and snow boots, is advised for the upcoming snow.

Historical Trivia: Neskantaga is one of Ontario’s most remote communities, and it relies heavily on air transport for goods and services.

Sunrise: 8:11 AM | Sunset: 6:55 PM

Summer Beaver (Nibinamik)

Current Conditions: 0°C, mostly cloudy, light winds from the northeast at 15 km/h. Barometric pressure: 1025 mb.
Forecast (Oct 16-18): Overcast skies today with a high of 3°C. The 17th will bring snow flurries by the afternoon, with a high of 2°C. Snow will continue into the 18th, with a high of 1°C.
Wardrobe: Bundle up with warm jackets and winter boots, as snow will begin to accumulate.

Historical Trivia: Summer Beaver, also known as Nibinamik, is located on the shores of a large lake, which has been integral to the community’s way of life for generations.

Sunrise: 8:17 AM | Sunset: 6:59 PM


Current Conditions: -2°C, partly cloudy, with light winds from the northeast at 20 km/h. Barometric pressure: 1028 mb.
Forecast (Oct 16-18): Cloudy today with a high of 1°C. The 17th will remain cloudy with light snow flurries by evening, and a high of 0°C. Snow will continue into the 18th, with temperatures dropping to -1°C.
Wardrobe: Winter coats, gloves, and boots are necessary to stay warm as the snow arrives.

Historical Trivia: Peawanuck is located near the Hudson Bay coast and has experienced numerous polar bear sightings, especially as winter approaches.

Sunrise: 8:26 AM | Sunset: 6:49 PM


Current Conditions: 0°C, overcast, northeast winds at 15 km/h. Barometric pressure: 1026 mb.
Forecast (Oct 16-18): Overcast today with a high of 2°C. The 17th will bring snow flurries by the afternoon, with a high of 1°C. Snow will continue into the 18th, with a high of 0°C.
Wardrobe: Prepare for colder conditions with winter jackets, boots, and gloves to handle the snow and cold.

Historical Trivia: Attawapiskat is known for its proximity to the James Bay coast, and its residents have long relied on the bay for hunting and fishing.

Sunrise: 8:30 AM | Sunset: 6:54 PM

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