Sioux Lookout and Lac Seul Weather Forecast


Sioux Lookout

Today in Sioux Lookout, expect a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 16°C. Winds will come from the northeast at 20 km/h, but they’ll calm down as the afternoon progresses. Tonight, clear skies will dominate, bringing the temperature down to a chilly 3°C with a risk of frost. On Saturday, sunny conditions will start the day, with clouds moving in by the afternoon and a high of 18°C.

For Sunday and Monday, the weather will turn warmer, with highs of 23°C and 24°C under sunny skies. By midweek, temperatures will rise to a warm 28°C with a mix of sun and clouds expected.

Lac Seul

Lac Seul will also see a mix of sun and clouds today with a high of 16°C. Tonight, temperatures will drop to 3°C, with a risk of frost, so make sure to protect any frost-sensitive plants. Saturday will begin sunny, with increasing clouds in the afternoon and a high of 18°C.

Sunday and Monday will be sunny, with temperatures rising to 23°C and 24°C.

As we head into Tuesday and Wednesday, the temperatures will warm up even more, reaching 28°C with partly cloudy skies continuing throughout the week.

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