The Role of IT Services in Maintaining and Enhancing Competitiveness


The world of information technology (IT) services is vast and multifaceted, and it is not always well understood by those who don’t work within it. Most people may not have much knowledge of IT services beyond past reruns of “The IT Crowd.”

However, those who operate IT services have a valuable role to play in a company’s productivity and overall competitiveness. As computer-based technology has taken hold of every industry, IT has become not just a necessity but an asset in the workplace and the global economy.

“How IT services can best help companies succeed will vary by company and by industry,” says Eric Sugar, president of ProServeIT, a multi-award winning Microsoft AI Cloud Solutions Partner. “To determine the best uses for IT services, company leaders should regularly assess their customer service needs, technology infrastructure requirements, and budgets to allocate resources for IT in a manner that best serves the company’s goals.”

The changing business landscape 

IT services are not a new concept. In the modern era, IT services for any company, regardless of size, should be a given.

“Every place you’ve worked in the past 20 years or so has likely had at least one IT employee, or at minimum, a subcontracted IT service person who would show up when the computers stopped working,” says Sugar. “However, the roles and responsibilities of IT professionals are constantly changing as technology continues to shift and improve. Virtually every company today is integrating technology in some way, shape, or form.”

According to Sugar, this uptick in integration has made highly-trained IT professionals a necessity, even for the smallest organizations. The demand for tech professionals is building, and the market has become highly competitive.

There has also been a call for tech modernization across the board, especially within large industries such as healthcare and finance. Many organizations have moved their tech stacks to the cloud, allowing them to expand their technology going forward without the issue of storage standing in their way.

“With this push for the modernization of tech systems, the role of IT service providers has evolved into an increasingly more vital one, especially with regard to how competitive a company can become,” Sugar notes. “Those providers hold the keys to the tech modernization most industries are striving for.”

IT’s role in competitiveness

When striving for competitiveness, many organizations will lean on excellent customer service, superior products, or an outstanding marketing campaign to gain an edge in the marketplace. But IT services are also becoming influential within the marketplace.

“By helping companies streamline operations, update their processes, and provide cutting-edge service to customers, IT service providers play a pivotal role in helping companies compete,” Sugar explains. “Because tech is ingrained in nearly everything we do, from ordering at a restaurant to checking in for a flight, companies that invest in employees who help make tech function are bound to succeed over companies that neglect the need for updated technology.”

As Sugar explains, IT services also help with decision-making. In today’s fast-paced market, decisions that can often make or break a company or campaign need to be based on hard data and analytics. Utilizing the latest in AI data analysis, IT service providers can help keep companies agile and assist with quick, solid decision-making capabilities that more deeply impact their bottom line.

“Even though tech is truly at the forefront of many company processes, customer service and interaction are still critical, and IT services have a role to play here as well,” says Sugar. “IT professionals can help companies personalize their online marketplaces, make websites and mobile apps more user-friendly, and increase their ability to connect with customers across multiple platforms.”

IT service professionals also help companies innovate. “Without innovation, companies and organizations cannot possibly stay competitive,” Sugar points out. “With talented employees who have their finger on the pulse of emerging technologies, companies can beat their competitors to the punch by utilizing the latest in AI, blockchain, virtual reality, or other cutting-edge tech.”

The role of managed IT services in staying competitive

Even if the role of IT services is acknowledged within an organization, some companies may not be able to keep up by simply relying on a small team of IT administrators. “Managed IT services have evolved in the past few decades, allowing companies to stay competitive by accessing the benefits of managed IT through a specialized managed IT services provider,” Sugar says.

With managed IT services, it can be easier to budget for technology upgrades, day-to-day maintenance, and testing innovative ideas. Managed IT services can help keep the current infrastructure up and running while simultaneously assisting the company with upgrades. 

“Managed IT services also give companies a competitive edge by providing them with access to a team of tech experts who are always in the know about what technology is needed to stay competitive, regardless of industry,” Sugar adds.

The world will only become more digitally driven and competitive. Companies that wish to grow and make an impact must recognize the important contribution IT professionals make to their ability to scale and compete. Though the investment in technology expertise can be significant, the overall ROI will prove to be remarkable.

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