Webequie Weather Report: July 25th – 28th

Weather Outlook Pine Trees
Photo by Munzeroy Neekan

Current Weather Conditions and Upcoming Forecast

Today: July 25, 2024

Webequie is experiencing a mix of sun and clouds today with temperatures reaching a high of 19°C. Winds are blowing from the northeast at 20 km/h, providing a cool breeze. The barometric pressure is stable at 102.4 kPa, and the humidity is at 65%. Historically, the highest temperature recorded on this date was 36.3°C in 2007, while the lowest was 4.4°C in 1998​​.

Tomorrow: July 26, 2024

The forecast predicts sunny weather with temperatures rising to 21°C. Winds will remain light, and the skies will be clear by night, with temperatures dropping to around 8°C. Fog patches are expected to develop after midnight but will dissipate in the morning​​.

July 27, 2024

Expect another day with a mix of sun and clouds, with temperatures reaching up to 23°C. Winds will be light, and the evening will see temperatures around 11°C with clear skies, continuing the trend of pleasant weather​ (Environment Canada)​.

July 28, 2024

Sunny conditions will prevail, with a high of 25°C. Nighttime temperatures will be around 13°C under clear skies, making it an excellent day for outdoor activities.

Historical Weather Trivia

On July 25th, Webequie recorded its highest temperature of 36.3°C in 2007. The area is known for its significant temperature variations, offering a range of weather conditions throughout the year.

Wardrobe Suggestions

With the mild and sunny weather forecasted, light clothing such as t-shirts and shorts is recommended during the day. For the cooler evenings, a light jacket or sweater will be suitable. Sunglasses and sunscreen are essential for sun protection, and staying hydrated is important.

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