Northeast Region July 23, 2024 – 18:00 Report Current Fire Status

Brave Men and Women battle the region's wildfires!
Brave Men and Women battle the region's wildfires!

As of the evening of July 23, no new wildland fires have been confirmed in the Northeast Region.

Active Fires:

  • Total: 14 active wildland fires
    • Sault Ste. Marie District: 1 active fire (under control)
    • Far North: 13 fires (being observed)

Fire Hazard Levels

The fire hazard across the Northeast Region is mostly moderate today. However, there are scattered areas with high fire hazard values, and a large region from Latchford to Fort Albany has low fire hazard levels.

For the latest wildland fire danger values, please check our interactive map.

Safety Reminders

No Drone Zone: Stay Clear of Forest Fires!

Flying drones near forest fires is dangerous and illegal. Drones can endanger the lives of pilots, firefighters, and emergency personnel. Always stay clear of forest fires to ensure safety.

Help Fight Forest Fires: Stay Clear of Waterbombers!

When waterbombers approach a body of water, please move close to the shore. Waterbombers cannot scoop from lakes or rivers if there are nearby watercraft posing a safety hazard. Stay clear to allow them to perform their crucial work safely.

Reporting Wildland Fires

  • North of French and Mattawa Rivers: Dial 310-FIRE
  • South of French or Mattawa Rivers: Dial 9-1-1

Stay safe and informed by following these guidelines and reporting any wildland fires promptly.

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