Greenstone-Geraldton Weather: Showers and Thunderstorms on the Horizon

Netnewsledger Weather

Current Weather and Forecast for Greenstone-Geraldton

Today’s Weather

In Greenstone-Geraldton, expect cloudy skies with a high of 20°C today. There is a 30% chance of showers starting early afternoon, increasing to 80% with a risk of thunderstorms by mid-afternoon. Winds will be from the northwest at 20 km/h, gusting up to 40 km/h. This evening, the showers and thunderstorms will persist with temperatures dropping to 11°C​​.

Upcoming Days

July 19, 2024

Friday will bring a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 22°C. The night will be clear with a low of 13°C​ .

July 20, 2024

Saturday will be mainly sunny with a high of 24°C. Expect clear skies overnight with temperatures around 15°C.

July 21, 2024

Sunday will see a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 25°C. The night will have clear skies and a low of 14°C.

July 22, 2024

Monday will be sunny with a high of 26°C and clear skies at night, dropping to 16°C.

Historical Weather Trivia

On July 18th, the highest recorded temperature in Greenstone-Geraldton was 32.1°C in 1991, while the greatest precipitation on this date was 31.6 mm in 2001​​.

Wardrobe Suggestions

With the forecast of showers and thunderstorms, carrying an umbrella or raincoat is essential. Lightweight, breathable clothing is ideal for daytime, while a light jacket may be needed for the cooler evenings.

Greenstone-Geraldton Weather Trivia

Greenstone-Geraldton, located in Northern Ontario, often experiences variable weather with significant precipitation events. The region’s climate is influenced by its proximity to the Great Lakes and its northern latitude.

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