Regina Weather Report: Sun, Clouds, and Rain Ahead

Netnewsledger Weather

Current Conditions in Regina

As of 5:00 AM CST on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, Regina is experiencing partly cloudy skies with a temperature of 9.8°C. Observations from Regina International Airport indicate a barometric pressure of 102.2 kPa, currently rising. The dew point is close at 9.5°C, with a high relative humidity of 98%. Winds are light from the north-northeast at 5 km/h, and visibility is a good 24 km.

Today’s Weather Forecast

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Morning and Afternoon: Today will see a mix of sun and clouds, with skies clearing up by noon. Fog patches present in the morning will dissipate, giving way to clearer conditions. The high temperature will reach 24°C. With a very high UV index of 8, sun protection such as sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat is essential.

Evening: Cloudiness will increase this evening, with winds becoming southeast at 20 km/h overnight. The low temperature will be 14°C.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Daytime: Thursday will be predominantly cloudy, with a 60% chance of showers late in the morning and into the afternoon. Winds will pick up from the southeast at 30 km/h. The high temperature will be 20°C, with a moderate UV index of 3.

Nighttime: Expect rain throughout the night, with a low of 12°C.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Daytime: Friday will continue with rain, and the high temperature will be 16°C.

Nighttime: Periods of rain will persist into the night, with a low of 7°C.

Historical Weather Data

On this date, Regina has recorded historical extremes with the highest temperature being 33.5°C and the lowest recorded at 4.1°C.

Wardrobe Suggestions

With a mix of sunny and cloudy conditions, light layers are ideal for today, along with sun protection due to the high UV index. As rain and cooler temperatures are expected later, carrying a waterproof jacket and umbrella is advisable for the coming days.

Weather Trivia

Did you know? Regina is known for its dry climate, but when rain does occur, it can be quite substantial, especially in the late spring and early summer months. This variability is a characteristic feature of the region’s weather patterns.

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