Regina Weather Forecast: June 25, 2024

Weather Outlook Two Geese

Today’s Forecast

Current Conditions: As observed at 4:00 AM CST at Regina International Airport, the weather is clear with a temperature of 6.8°C. The barometric pressure is at 101.1 kPa and rising. The dew point is 5.9°C, resulting in a humidity level of 94%. The wind is blowing from the southwest at 14 km/h, and visibility is excellent at 24 km.

Morning and Afternoon

The morning will be sunny, transitioning to a mix of sun and cloud by early afternoon. There is a 60 percent chance of showers this afternoon, with a risk of thunderstorms. Winds will become northwest at 20 km/h, gusting to 40 km/h, and will increase to 40 km/h with gusts up to 60 km/h near noon. The high temperature will be 21°C, with a UV index of 6, indicating a high risk of UV exposure.


Tonight will be partly cloudy with a 60 percent chance of showers early in the evening and a continued risk of thunderstorms. Winds will be northwest at 40 km/h, gusting to 60 km/h, but will become light this evening. The low temperature will be around 10°C.

Extended Forecast

Wednesday, June 26

Expect a mix of sun and cloud, clearing late in the afternoon. The high temperature will be 24°C, with a very high UV index of 8. Increasing cloudiness is expected during the night, with a low of 14°C.

Thursday, June 27

Thursday will be cloudy with a 30 percent chance of showers. The high temperature will be 25°C. Rain is expected during the night, with a low of 12°C.

Historical Weather Data

On this day in Regina’s history, the highest recorded temperature was 33.3°C, and the lowest was 3.2°C.

Wardrobe Suggestions

Given the forecast, layers are key. Light clothing for the morning and a jacket for the cooler evening will be suitable. Keep an umbrella and raincoat handy for the potential showers and thunderstorms.

Weather Trivia

Did you know that Regina is known for its severe weather, including thunderstorms and tornadoes? The city experiences about 14 tornadoes annually, making it one of Canada’s tornado-prone areas.

Stay tuned for more updates and enjoy your day in Regina!

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