Current Weather Observations for Greater Sudbury
As of 6:00 AM EDT, Thursday, June 13, 2024
At the Greater Sudbury Airport, the temperature is currently 15.2°C with light rain showers. The barometric pressure is at 100.6 kPa and is falling. With a high humidity level of 91% and a dew point of 13.8°C, the air feels quite moist. Winds are blowing from the south at 20 km/h, and visibility is a clear 32 km.
Detailed Weather Forecast for Today and Tomorrow
Today: Thursday, June 13, 2024
Greater Sudbury will experience hot and humid conditions today. Showers will taper off this morning, but the skies will remain mostly cloudy with a 40% chance of showers continuing into the early afternoon. By the afternoon, expect showers to return with a few thunderstorms likely. There is also a risk of a thunderstorm this morning and early afternoon, with local rainfall amounts ranging from 10 to 15 mm.
The temperature will reach a high of 23°C, but it will feel more like 28°C due to the humidex. The UV index is moderate at 5. Winds will shift to the southwest, increasing to 30 km/h with gusts up to 50 km/h by this morning.
The evening will see showers and a few thunderstorms ending early, followed by partly cloudy skies with a 40% chance of additional showers. There remains a risk of thunderstorms early in the evening. Winds from the southwest at 20 km/h will diminish to light by late evening. The overnight low will be 11°C.
Tomorrow: Friday, June 14, 2024
Friday will feature a mix of sun and cloud with winds shifting to the north at 20 km/h in the morning. The high will be a comfortable 20°C, with a UV index of 6, indicating high levels of UV radiation.
Clear skies will prevail during the night, with temperatures dropping to a low of 9°C, providing a cool and clear evening.
Historical Weather Data for June 13
The historical high for this date in Greater Sudbury is 30.2°C, recorded in 1987, while the record low is 2.8°C, set in 1965.
Wardrobe Suggestions
For today, it’s advisable to wear waterproof clothing and carry an umbrella due to the expected showers and thunderstorms. Light, breathable clothing will help cope with the humidity, and a jacket might be useful due to the gusty winds. For tonight and tomorrow, a light jacket or sweater will be beneficial as temperatures drop.
Weather Trivia
Did you know? Greater Sudbury is known for its unique microclimate due to its geographical features and numerous lakes, which can lead to significant weather variations within short distances.