Overview of Thunder Bay Police Services Board Meeting September 2023

Thunder Bay Police

THUNDER BAY – NEWS – The Thunder Bay Police Services Board (TBPSB) convened Tuesday morning. Following are notable items from the meeting:

Affirmation of Office

Correspondence from the Ministry of the Solicitor General, dated September 8, 2023, relative to the Order in Council 1338/2023, appointing Mr. Wayne Bahlieda as a member of the Thunder Bay Police Services Board for a one (1) year term, effective September 7, 2023, for the Board’s information. (Page 22- 23)

The Affirmation of Office was read aloud by Mr. Bahlieda, signed, and filed

Correspondence from the Office of the City Clerk, dated September 13, 2023, relative to a Municipal Appointment, appointing Councillor Kasey Etreni as a member of the Thunder Bay Police Services Board for the remainder of a four (4) year term, effective September 11, 2023, and expiring November 14, 2026, for the Board’s information. (Page 24)

The Affirmation of Office was read aloud by Ms. Etreni, signed, and filed.

Board Chair Karen Machado welcomed both new members to the Board.

Reports of Committees

  1. Governance Committee

Mr. J. Hannam, Secretary to the Thunder Bay Police Services Board, provided an update relative to the activities of the Governance Committee. The Committee met Thursday to review overall business and receive updates from working groups within the committee. Committee is focused on moving forward on recommendations; committee will meet once every two months. Working groups will meet more frequently.

  1. Labour Relations Committee

Mr. J. Hannam, Secretary to the Thunder Bay Police Services Board, provided an update relative to the activities of the Labour Relations Committee. Committee met on August 29 and continues to meet on a monthly basis to focus on moving forward on its mandate. Committee meets again at the end of September. Focused on working on building relationship with association and bargaining contracts with Association as contracts expire at the end of this year.

Reports of the Thunder Bay Police Service

  1. Inquest – Seven First Nations Youth – Annual Report

Chief D. Fleury noted that the Implementation Status Report of the Thunder Bay Police Service, relative to the Inquest into the Deaths of Seven First Nations Youths, for the Board’s information, (Distributed Separately) has not yet been received by the families involved. As a result, Chief Fleury suggested waiting to discuss until families are given notice. Motion carried to defer this item to the October meeting.

  1. Second Quarter Variance Report – Thunder Bay Polices Service

Chief D. Fleury and Ms. D. Paris, Director – Financial Services & Facilities, Thunder Bay Police Service provided an overview relative to the status of the Operational Budget of the Thunder Bay Police Service for the period ending June 30, 2023, for the Board’s information. (Pages 25 – 26)

  1. Quarterly Complaints

Sergeant Snider, Thunder Bay Police Service provided an overview relative to the summary of complaints for Q2 of 2023 (April, May, and June 2023), for the Board’s information. (Pages 27 – 29)

  1. Electronic Storage Detection K9

The Board received a memo from Chief D. Fleury relative to Electronic Storage Detection K9, for information purposes only. (Pages 30 – 31)

Chief D. Fleury and Inspector Jeremy Pearson provided an overview relative to the noted above. As a result of partnerships with Operation Underground Railroad the Service will soon have a specially trained K9 dog to assist in investigations of online child exploitation and human trafficking.

General Matters

  1. 2023 Board Budget Status Report

The Board received a memo from Mr. J. Hannam, Secretary to the Thunder Bay Police Services Board, relative to the status of the 2023 Board Budget, for the Board’s information. (Distributed Separately)

Mr. J. Hannam, Secretary to the Thunder Bay Police Services Board provided an overview relative to the above noted.

Motion to replace with a monthly budget summary was deferred until October Regular Board Meeting to allow all members to review past practice & processes before approving the motion.

  1. Medicolegal Autopsies from the Thunder Bay Region

Correspondence to Malcolm Mercer, Administrator – Thunder Bay Police Services Board from the Ministry of the Solicitor General, dated August 21, 2023, relative to an update about the provision of medicolegal autopsies for the Thunder Bay Region, for the Board’s information. (Pages 32 – 33)

Mr. M. Mercer, Administrator for the Thunder Bay Police Services Board, provided an overview relative to the above noted.

  1. Community Safety & Well Being Committee

The Board received a memo from Mr. J. Hannam, Secretary to the Thunder Bay Police Services Board, relative to the appointment of a Board representative on the City of Thunder Bay’s Community Safety and Well Being Committee, for the Board’s information. (Page 34)

Mr. J. Hannam provided an overview relative to the above noted.

Petitions and Communications

  1. Bail Compliance and Warrant Apprehension Grant

Correspondence to the Thunder Bay Police Services Board from Staff Sergeant Jason Anderson, Community Outreach – Thunder Bay Police Service, dated August 17, 2023, relative to an application for a Bail Compliance and Warrant Apprehension grant to the Ministry of the Solicitor General, for the Board’s information. (Page 35)

Staff Sergeant Jason Anderson provided an overview relative to the above noted.

The following motion was presented for the Board’s consideration and approved:

With respect to the Bail Compliance and Warrant Apprehension Grant as presented at the September 19, 2023 Regular Session of the Board, the Thunder Bay Police Services Board approves increasing the compliment at the Thunder Bay Police Service by two (2) civilian positions that would be grant funded positions.

AND THAT the Chair and Secretary of the Board be authorized to sign documentation in support of the above noted grant.

  1. Request for Donation

Correspondence to the Thunder Bay Police Services Board from Colin Woods – President of the Thunder Bay Police Association, dated August 14, 2023, relative to a request for a donation towards the Association’s annual golf tournament, for the Board’s information. (Page 36)

The following motion was presented for the Board’s consideration and approved:

With respect to the request for support for the Thunder Bay Police Association’s annual golf tournament, as presented at the September 19, 2023 Regular Session of the Thunder Bay Police Services Board, we authorize funding in the amount of $1,000;

AND THAT the funding be paid from the Board’s Special Account.

  1. All Chiefs Memo

Correspondence to All Chiefs of Police from the Ministry of the Solicitor General as follows. (Pages 37 – 53)

  • Index No. 23-0056 – Proceeds of Crime Front-Line Policing/Grant Program – Call for Applications, dated July 24, 2023;
  • Index No. 23-0061 – Posting of Proposed Regulations under the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019, dated August 4, 2033;
  • Index No. 23-0062 – Next Generation 9-1-1 Transition Funding Support – Year Two Call for Applications;
  • Index No. 23-0063 – Ontario’s Guns and Gangs Investigative Funds;
  • Index No. 23-0064 – 2024 Basic Constable Training Program Dates, dated August 22, 2023.
  • Index No. 23-0065 – Police Canine Units Survey
  • Index No. 23-0066 – Intensive Serious Violent Crime Bail Teams (Due to size, attachment distributed separately with Agenda)

Mr. J. Hannam, Secretary to the Board, and Chief D. Fleury provided overviews relative to the above noted.

  1. Update on the 2023 World Police Fire Games

Chief D. Fleury provided a summary of results of the Police Service’s members who participated in the 2023 World Police Fire Games in Winnipeg, Manitoba in July, 2023.

  1. Thank You Letter

Correspondence from the Thunder Bay Police Association’s Men’s Softball Team, dated August 5, 2023, relative to thanking the Thunder Bay Police Services Board for its support and financial contribution towards expenses incurred at the 2023 World Police Fire Games in Winnipeg, Manitoba. (Page 54 – 55)

  1. Tracking Board Reports

There are no updates for the following outstanding Board reports/standing agenda items.

  1. Emmanuel Oruitemeka Inquest

Board Responses to Jury Recommendations for the Ministry of the Solicitor General, due January 19, 2024.

  1. Governance Committee – Policy Development

Policy responding to recommendations #2 through 4 of the Epstein Report – Missing and Missed.

  1. Governance Committee – Policy Development

At the May 24, 2022 Regular Session of the Board, the use of Artificial Intelligence by the Thunder Bay Police Service was presented to the Board. At the February 21, 2023 Regular Session of the Board, the BriefCam Project Report was presented.

The Police Services Board was asked to develop a policy to ensure proper oversight regarding artificial intelligence and the use of video analytics.

  1. OIPRD Report Recommendations

Summary of the status/progress of the OIPRD Recommendations since last presented on May 23, 2023, for the Board’s information.

  1. OCPC Chart – Summary of Recommendations

Summary of status/progress of OCPC Recommendations was last presented for the Board’s information on June 28, 2023.

New Business

Chief Fleury to attend the Manitoba Association of Chiefs of Police Meeting on October 23, 2023.

The full agenda can be accessed here.

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