Operation Safe Driver: OPP and MTO Collaborate to Enhance Highway Safety

Transport Truck Accident Highway 17 Near Highway 102 - Nov 12 2021 - Facebook
Transport Truck Accident Highway 17 Near Highway 102 - Nov 12 2021 - Facebook

Orillia, ON – The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), in partnership with the Ministry of Transportation (MTO), have joined forces to intensify enforcement and education regarding commercial motor vehicle safety. This collaborative initiative aims to address the concerning rise in transport truck-involved collisions.

Alarming Statistics Prompt Action

In 2022, the OPP responded to a staggering 9,110 collisions involving transport trucks, marking the highest number of such crashes on OPP-patrolled roads in over a decade. These incidents accounted for 12 percent of all collisions, resulting in 71 fatalities, most of which could have been prevented.

Primary Causes of Collisions

Improper lane changes, following too closely, and excessive speed were identified as the leading primary causes of these collisions. It is important to note that these factors were not limited to commercial drivers alone. Out of the 2,858 charges laid by the OPP in transport truck-involved collisions last year, 1,098 were issued to non-commercial (passenger vehicle) drivers, while the remaining 1,760 charges were issued to commercial drivers.

Shared Responsibility and Road Safety

These statistics serve as a reminder to all drivers about the critical importance of safely sharing the road with large commercial vehicles. Beyond the devastating loss of lives, injuries, and property damage caused by these collisions each year, they also lead to significant traffic delays and disruptions in the movement of goods, which are vital to our economy.

Operation Safe Driver: Targeted Enforcement

Under the banner of Operation Safe Driver, the OPP, MTO, and other road safety partners will carry out focused enforcement efforts aimed at addressing risky behaviors exhibited by both commercial and non-commercial drivers. The success of this initiative relies on the collective commitment of everyone to contribute to reducing collisions and fatalities by adhering to traffic laws and driving safely every day of the year.

Crucial Safety Requirements for Commercial Drivers

Commercial drivers are reminded of the paramount importance of 24/7 compliance with commercial vehicle safety regulations. This includes conducting thorough inspections, adhering to hours of service regulations, properly securing cargo, and safely transporting dangerous goods. By fulfilling these obligations, commercial drivers play a vital role in ensuring the safety of our roads.

By working together and prioritizing highway safety, we can create a safer and more secure environment for all road users. Let us all do our part in making a positive impact and fostering a culture of responsible driving.

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