Is it only talent to become a singer? From Saeed Ansar


    In order to become a famous singer, in addition to having talent, training and practice are also needed, and a combination of these things can make a famous singer, but with the natural capacity of the voice, you can also become a famous and popular singer. However, in order for a person to have a famous and socially friendly voice, he must practice. Although the general opinion of our society is that genetics plays a very important role in achieving an exceptional position in the world of music, but based on the research that has been done, each person’s exercises can play an effective role in singing. Also, according to the research published in Daily Mail and Medical Daily, in addition to having natural talent, to become a famous singer, a lifetime of dedication and first-class training is required, and a combination of all three of these things can make a famous singer. like Bojli, but with the natural capacity of a voice, you can also become a pop star and have millions of audience. A good voice can become a great voice with training and reach a level where it can sing and others enjoy hearing its voice.

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