MARATHON – On December 10, 2021 at approximately 03:40 pm, officers from the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Marathon detachment received a call regarding a single motor vehicle collision (MVC) on Highway 17, approximately 5 km west of Marathon.
A motor vehicle (MV) travelling east on highway 17 left the roadway contacting the guard rail posts. The driver left the scene but was located shortly after by police. The driver had no injuries and after further investigation and failing a road side test, it was determined that the driver was impaired by alcohol. The driver was arrested and transported to the Marathon OPP detachment for further testing.
As a result the driver, 23-year-old Alexander DESCHAMPS-McWATCH of Marathon, ON was charged with, Operate a conveyance with a blood alcohol concentration that was equal to or exceeded 80 mg of alcohol in 100 mL of blood, CC 320.14(1)(b), Operation while impaired by alcohol or drugs, CC 320.14(a), Adult novice driver B.A.C. above zero HTA 44.1(3), Adult fail to report accident HTA 199(1).
The driver was later released on an undertaking with conditions to attend court in Marathon on 20 January, 2022 to answer to the charges.
Motorists who drive impaired by alcohol or drugs are subject to drivers license suspensions, fines, vehicle impoundments, criminal records and increased insurance costs. Please drive responsibly and don’t drink or take drugs and drive.
The public is encouraged to call 911 or contact police at 1-888-310-1122 whenever suspecting that a driver is impaired while operating a motor vehicle whether it is a Car, Truck, Motorcycle, ATV, Snowmobile, Boat or even an Airplane.