Ramneek Sidhu: Empowering Lives of Budding Digital marketing Consultants

Ramneek Sidhu
Ramneek Sidhu

Being an inspiration to a generation of people is a big deal. Managing a successful career in a world where a lot of competition prevails, is a revolution that can be undertaken only by the brave few. Ramneek Sidhu, being the newest addition to the inspiring marketing consultants, has a long story of efforts and dedication to tell.

Sidhu began his journey to create a space and name for himself in the digital marketing world at the age of 16. He came from the city of Mohali, Punjab where the benefits and a career choice of digital marketing was not exactly accepted in a delightful manner. As he grew up in a family surrounding, choosing a career option that was highly probable was a tough decision to make. But, Sidhu knew that this was the field that he could prove his talent and eventually come out of his comfort zone. As he made his progress, his dreams began to be slowly accepted by the people of his native.

When he began his marketing consultant work as a freelancer, he only had a slight Idea as to how he should move his strategies forward. But, with time and experience, he began adding his own ideas and perspectives about the marketing techniques which he gathered from the several places and people that he worked for. With the experience gained from his constant want to learn, he kickstarted his ray of dreams by setting up his first office in UAE, as an independent marketing company, Digital kings.

With digital kings, Ramneek Sidhu was able to engage and deal with the marketing, promotions and boost the social media presence of numerous businessmen, sports personalities and Bollywood celebrities. He has also been approached by several international brands to increase their engagement with the youth of the generation. He also makes sure that he’s providing a best example to the ones who follow him and his steps of success.

Sidhu firmly believes that, enlightening the young minds through his story of effort and hardwork can prove to be a great deal of benefit for the advancement of the digital marketing field. He says, “I have a great deal of hope on the people who follows our path of dreams as we move forward. They are indeed our future. Whenever someone approached me to hand out tips regarding digital marketing, i just tell them one thing that, they must learn to believe in them first, no matter what happens. As long as the confidence on one’s potential remains, anyone can conquer anything. I won’t hesitate to share some tips in addition to that. But, i really think confidence and passion is the first step to one’s victory.”

Ramneek Sidhu, with his high hopes and standardised values in the digital marketing field hopes to conquer great heights in the coming years, by improving upon himself and rectifying his mistakes to work for a greater cause. He plans to expand his company to Canada in the year 2021. As of now, he is one among top 5 digital marketing consultants in UAE, with the success streak of his company, Digital kings.

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