Why Elevations RTC Stresses Small Classes, Therapist Caseloads, And More

Why Elevations RTC Stresses Small Classes, Therapist Caseloads, And More

For a student struggling individually, the worst thing that can happen is feeling lost in the shuffle. This is how students who might have minor issues can fall behind in several ways. It is frustrating for anyone to have to deal with, but teenagers can struggle.

This is the major reason why the Elevations RTC school has always stressed having very small settings for virtually everything. Whether it is in the classroom, specialized groups, or when giving a therapist their caseload, smaller is better. There are numerous benefits when going this way, and feedback throughout the years has backed up those thoughts.

What are some of the benefits Elevations RTC has noticed throughout the years? Numerous positives exist, but these are some of the standouts noticed right away at the beginning of every school year.

Flexibility and adaptability

Coursework can be overwhelming for some individuals, and too easy for others. With smaller classes and groups, Elevations RTC has plenty of flexibility and adaptability depending on the situation. This is always worth it in the end so no larger problems can snowball into something more significant.

Being able to make adjustments on the fly certainly helps everyone involved. The Elevations RTC school focuses on putting similar students in the same classroom at the beginning, but they can also shuffle around depending on staff and teacher feedback. If one or two individuals need special assistance, there is the opportunity to provide that at the end of class, or outside the classroom.

There is always a greater goal as far as academics are concerned. While it might seem like pushing towards that goal and hoping for the best could work, it ends up being detrimental to a lot of students if they miss out on some core concepts.

Encouraged to participate

Quiet, shy students can find ways to fall back in the shadows and stay out of the limelight in larger classrooms and group settings. Each student is encouraged to participate throughout the day. For the first time, students believe that their voice matters and that alone can give students so much added confidence.

Some students would have loved to participate in their past classes, but they just did not feel comfortable in front of larger groups. Now, they can relax a bit more and participate in ways they never thought possible.

The fear of being judged or not meeting certain standards goes away in a smaller group, as there is less peer pressure overall. Also, since Elevations RTC puts similar students together in most cases, there is no chance of a student feeling like they are holding everybody else back. That lifts a certain level of anxiety off the shoulders of some.

Therapists never feel overwhelmed

Trained therapists at Elevations RTC have no more than eight cases at a time on their plate. This ensures that spreading work too thinly does not occur, and students always get the attention they need when they need it most.

Many residential treatment centers try to get by with therapists in charge of handling many students at once. It can be extremely overwhelming, especially since each student needs a good amount of care to get over issues that might be lingering. Each student at Elevations RTC, or any residential treatment center for that matter, has a set of challenges that simply can’t be glossed over.

Overwhelmed therapists do not do anyone any favors. The student struggles to get the attention they need, the therapist feels like they are never doing enough, and the treatment center loses some of its credibility. The better option is always going to be having a manageable caseload at all times so that everyone gets the focus they need.

Hand-on experiences rather than just learning

A hands-on learning experience is one of the most underrated aspects of a quality residential treatment center. Elevations RTC has focused exactly on that throughout the years, and it is one of the major selling points of the program in general.

A smaller classroom makes sure that every student does the work and gets a chance to do things on their own. In larger settings, it is more about learning how to do things without actually doing it. Think more in the way of a lecture than anything.

Too many residential treatment centers go the way of cutting costs and trying to do as much remote teaching as possible. While it may seem convenient on paper, a student fails to receive the type of care that they need to excel. There is always going to be that level of disconnect between the student and the teachers when that is the case.

Stronger bonds with other students

Finally, smaller classes and groups, as well as taking advantage of the extra time putting together the right students, usually leads to excellent bonds overall. Teenagers get a chance to share interests with new people from all walks of life, and they can share experiences good and bad to help on the road to recovery.

Just one other dependable friend can make a huge difference in going through challenges. As welcoming as the Elevations RTC school appears, it is still a challenge from time to time for students to get to where they want to be. Having someone who can relate and be counted on inside and outside the classroom can pay huge dividends.

Why all residential treatment centers should think small

More individualized attention in small groups can make a huge difference for so many teenagers looking to turn the corner. Elevations RTC is always coming up with new ways to give students the care they need to ensure that everything sticks. When that happens, a student’s entire stay is a life-changing experience.

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