UFC 137 Results -Cro-Cop Retires -Diaz Dominates Calls out GSP-


UFC 137 Results









Main Bouts (on Pay-Per-View):


-B.J. Penn (16-7-2; #8 Welterweight) vs. Nick Diaz (25-7; #4 Welterweight)

Round 1: No touch of gloves in this one.  Penn with a left hand.  Penn with a hook to the body.  They clinch.  Diaz presses Penn against the cage.  They separate.  Penn with a jab.  Diaz lands a right hand over the top.  Big right hand by Diaz.  Penn lands a combination.  Penn takes him down and takes Diaz’ back in a scramble.  Penn landing right hands to Diaz’ head.  Penn now in side control.  Penn stands and Diaz works his way back to his feet.  Diaz lands knees to Penn’s thigh, pressing Penn agaisnst the cage.  The separate and are in the center of the Octagon.  Penn lands a left hand.  Penn with an uppercut.  Diaz lands a right hand.  Penn clinches briefly before separating.  Diaz with a right hand and Penn counters with a right of his own.  Diaz bumps Penn after the bell going back to his corner.

Round 2: Left hand by Penn.  Hard leg kick by Diaz.  Diaz starting to talk and taunt Penn.  Diaz presses Penn against the fence and lands several short punches to the body.  They separate.  Penn goes for a single leg but Diaz defends it.  Several body shots landed by Diaz.  Diaz landing jabs.  Diaz with a hook to the body.  Penn with a left hand to the head.  Diaz clinches and goes for a takedown.  Combination by Diaz.  Big combination by Diaz.  Diaz picking Penn a part.  Penn backing up.  Diaz pouring on the punches.  Diaz lands an uppercut and a right hook.  The round was all Diaz.

Round 3: Penn with a punch to the body.  Penn looks for a takedown but Diaz defends it.  Diaz presses forward with punches.  They trade right hands.  Diaz with jab after jab.  Penn lands a nice right hand.  Penn with another right hand.  Diaz continues to land jabs.  Penn looks to be fading.  Diaz with a right hand.  Penn moving forward now and landing shots.  Right hand by Diaz and he presses Penn against the fence.  Final minute and they slug it out.  Penn comes to life.  Diaz with a left hand.  They both throw punches at the bell

Nick Diaz the winner by unanimous decision.

-Cheick Kongo (16-6-2) vs. Matt Mitrione (5-0)

Round 1: Mitrione comes out southpaw.  Not a punch thrown through the first minute.  Mitrione jumps in and misses with a right hand.  The crowd starting to get restless.  Kongo misses with a straight right.  Mitrione misses with a big right and they clinch.  Kongo presses Mitrione against the cage.  Kongo lands knees to Mitrione’s thigh.  Referee Herb Dean separates them.  Kongo misses with two right hands.  Mitrione pushes forward missing with a combination.  Kongo lands an outside leg kick and then an outside leg kick.  Kongo throws a front kick and Mitrione catches it and Kongo falls but gets back up immediately.  They exchange at the bell with neither landing.  Hard round to score.

Round 2: Kongo with a leg kick.  Mitrione lands a right hand.  Kongo works leg kicks.  Mitrione with an inside leg kick.  Kongo misses with two right hands but lands two leg kicks.  Kongo comes in with a combination and a right hand got through.  Mitrione lands a right hand.  Kongo circles on the outside.  Mitrioine moving forward.  They exchange leg kicks.  Kongo pushes forward with a flurry that comes up with air.  Mitrione lands a right hand and an uppercut.  Pace is picking up some.  Kongo letting his hands go but Mitrione is making him miss with head movement.  Inside leg kick landed by Mitrione followed by a right hand.  Mitrione comes in with punches as the bell sounds.

Round 3: Kongo lands a right hand to start the round.  Mitrione lands a right hand.  Kongo pushes forward with a flurry, landing one punch, and takes Mitrione down.  Kongo slammed him.  Kongo is in side control.  Mitrione gives up his back looking to secure a leg.  Mitrione stands up but Kongo presses him against the fence.  Three minutes remaining and they’re clinched along the cage.  Mitrione is bleeding under his left eye.  Kongo gets a single leg takedown and lands in Mitrione’s half guard.  Kongo lands punches and elbows.  Mitrione unable to get up.  Kongo has his back.

The judges score the fight 30-27, 30-28, 29-28 for Cheick Kongo by unanimous decision.



-Mirko “Cro Cop” Filipovic (27-9-2) vs. Roy Nelson (15-6)

  Round 1:  Nelson moves in and misses wiht a left.  Nelson circling away from Cro Cop’s left leg.  Nelson misses with a right hand but gets a takedown.  Cro Cop works his closed guard.  Nelson lands an elbow.  Nelson lands a couple of punches to the body.  Cro Cop gets back to his feet and lands a left hand.  Cro Cop with a kick to the body and left hand.  Nelson lands a right hand solidly.  Cro Cop responds with an uppercut.  Nelson with a glancing right hand.  Cro Cop lands a left uppercut that pops Nelson’s head back.  Nelson is stalking him.  Straight left by Cro Cop.  Nelson throws a high kick.  Cro Cop with a kick to the body.

Round 2: Nelson is stalkng and lands a right hand that hurt Cro Cop.  Cro Cop answers adn lands several uppercuts and punches to the body.  Nelson is bleeding.  Cro Cop lands a straight left.  Nelson moving forward.  Cro Cop throws a left high kick that’s blocked.  Nelson pushes forward with punches and they clinch.  Nelson gets a single leg takedown and lands in half guard.  Nelson passes to side control.  Nelson lands left hands.  With a minute left in the round, Nelson works to pin Cro Cop’s arm down and does.  Nelson has him in a crucifix.  Cro Cop is eating punches and can’t do anything about it.  Nelson with an elbow.  More left  hands by Nelson as the round ends.

Round 3:  They touch gloves to start the final round.  Nelson with a front kick to the body.  Nelson lands a right hand that sends Cro Cop back.  Nelson knocks Cro Cop down with a left hand.  Nelson takes his back and lands punches.  The referee stops the fight.  Roy Nelson defeats Cro Cop by TKO.  The official time of the TKO was 1:30 of the third round.



-Scott Jorgensen (12-4; #4 Bantamweight) vs. Jeff Curran (33-13-1)

Round 1:  They exchange early.  Curran lands a right hand.  Jorgensen returns the favor.  Jorgensen gets the fight to the ground.  Curran controls Jorgensen with wrist control.  Jorgensen lands peppering punches to the body and head.  Curran tries to sweep but Jorgensen maintains top control.  Curran gets up but Jorgensen powers him back to the canvas.  The referee stand them up before long.  Curran lands a right hand.  Curran lands an inside leg kick.  Curran is throwing bombs but missing.  Jorgensen takes the fight to the ground.

Round 2: Curran landing punches.  Curran shoots for a takedown but Jorgensen sprawls and lands knees.  Jorgensen presses Curran to the cage and lands knees to Curran’s legs.  Jorgensen picks Curran up off of a knee and slams him to the canvas.  Curran gets back to his feet.  Jorgensen lands a knee and Curran an uppercut to the body.  Curran drops for a guillotine but Jorgensen escapes.  They back standing.  Jorgensen gets a takedown.  Before long, Curran gets back to his feet.  Jorgensen goes for another takedown but Curran defends and lands punches to the body.

Jorgensen vs Curran

Round 3:  Jorgensen lands a right hand while Curran misses with a looping right.  Jorgensen not letting his hands go thus far.  Curran pressing the action but not landing.  Inside leg kick by Curran and Jorgensen returns one.  Jorgensen using his jab.  Outside leg kick lands for Curran.  They clinch.  Jorgensen lands a knee to the body and two to the legs.  Jorgensen pressing Curran against the fence.  Curran separates himself and they’re in the center of the cage.  Curran throwing powerful shots, lands an uppercut.  Right hand lands by Jorgensen.  Curran lands an inside leg kick and shoots for a takedown.  Jorgensen stuffs it and moves to side control.

The judges score the fight 29-28, 29-28, 30-27, declaring Scott Jorgensen the winner by unanimous decision.



-Hatsu Hioki (24-4-2; #3 Featherweight) vs. George Roop (12-7-1)

Round 1:  Hioki wiht a high kick that’s partially blocked.  Roop lands a glancing high kick of his own.  Roop connects with a right hand and leg kick.  Roop lands a kick below the belt and the fight is stopped momentarily.  The fight is resumed and the pace picks up.  Hioki clinches and works for a takedown.  Roop fends off the takedown and spins Hioki to the cage.  Hioki reverses the position and lands knees to Roop’s legs.  The two work for position along the cage.  Hioki lands a series of knees to the body.  Hioki takes Roop’s back standing.  Roop shakes him off and lands a knee to the body.  Hioki tosses Roop to the ground and lands in side control.  Roop works his way back to guard.  Roop gets back to his feet and Hioki grabs him and clinches.  Roop frees himself and lands a right hand.

Round 2:  Roop lands an outside leg kick to start the round.  Hioki with a right hand and Roop lands a combination ending in a high kick to the head.  Roop with a punch to the body.  Roop lands another head kick, but not much power on them.  Hioki clinches and takes Roop down.  He lands into mount.  Hioki moves to side control.  Hioki worked for an americana but let it go.  He moves to the mount position again.  Hioki works some light ground and pound.  Roop unable to escape the mount.  Hioki not doing much from the top position.  Roop gets out of the mount and lands and up-kick before standing up.  Roop presses forward with strikes as the round ends.

Round 3: Roop comes out and takes Hioki down.  Hioki gets back up or maybe Roop let him back up.  Roop misses with a flying knee.  Hioki goes for a takedown and Roops stuffs it.  They clinch.  Hioki has Roop against the fence.  Roop spins him and lands a knee.  Roop stomping on Hioki’s feet.  With two minutes remaining the referee separates them.  Roop takes Hioki down and moves him to the cage.  Hioki works a high guard.  Roop lands a few short left hands.  The round ends with Roop landing punches and lifing and slamming Hioki inside his guard.

Hioki managed to pulled out a very close split decision win over George Roop.



Preliminary Bouts (on Spike TV):


-Dennis Siver (19-7) vs. Donald Cerrone (16-3)

Round 1: Cerrone with a switch kick to the body of Siver.  Siver misses with a high kick.  Siver with a leg kick and Cerrone lands a combination.  Cerrone lands a high kick that has Siver staggering.  Siver quickly clinches.  Cerrone frees himself after a moment and they’re back in the center of the cage.  Siver moves in and eats a left hook that has him hurt.  Cerrone jumps on him and takes his back.  Cerrone flattens him out and sinks in the rear naked choke.  Cerrone defeated Siver by rear naked choke.  The official time of the submission was 2:22 of the first round.



-Tyson Griffin (15-5) vs. Bart Palaszewski (35-4)

Round 1: Palaszewski establishing his jab early.  He lands a leg kick to Griffin.  Griffin lands a straight right to the body.  Palaszewski misses with a lead uppercut.  Griffin moves in with a combination that is blocked.  Palaszewski lands a right hand and Griffin answers with a counter right of his own.  Palaszewski catches Griffin on the way in and stuns him.  Palaszewski goes in for the finish.  Griffin against the cage trying to cover up.  Palaszewski unloads a flurry.  A left hook and right hand get through and put Griffin to sleep.  Bart Palaszewski defeats Tyson Griffin by KO.  The time of the KO was 2:45 of the first round.


Preliminary Bouts (on Facebook):



-Brandon Vera (11-5) vs. Eliot Marshall (10-3)

Round 1: Vera with a leg kick to start the action.  Marshall misses with a right hand and spinning back fist.  Vera working kicks to the legs.  Powerful kick to the body by Vera.  They clinch.  Vera presses Marshall against the cage.  Vera frees himself.  Marshall pushes forward and lands a right hand and two uppercuts.  Vera clinches.  Vera lands knees to the legs as they’re tied up along the fence.  The referee separates them.  Marshall misses with a left hook.  The round ends. 

Round 2: They exchange leg kicks.  They clinch and Vera throws Marshall to the side.  Marshall catches a kick and works to get the fight to the ground.  Vera fends it off and spins Marshall to the fence.  Vera lands knees to the legs of Marshall and sweeps his legs for a takedown.  Vera works inside Marshall’s half guard.  Vera lands short elbows.  Marshall gets back to his feet and Vera presses him against the cage.  The referee separates them.  They exchange but both miss. 

Round 3: Vera lands a right hand and continues to work leg kicks.  Marshall lands a right hand that drops Vera.  Vera in all sorts of trouble.  Marshall pounces on him and lands shots.  Vera gets up but is still hurt.  Marshall with a left hook.  Vera clinches.  Vera presses Marshall to the fence.  Mid way through the round and they’re clinched along the cage.  Marshall frees himself and they’re back in the center of the cage.  Marshall goes for a takedown and takes Vera’s back.  Marshall puts in a rear naked choke.  Vera defends it.  Marshall hits him in the head and body.  Marshall transitions to an arm bar.  Vera is able to get out.  Vera lands two elbows. 

 The judges score the fight 29-28 on all scorecards, declaring Brandon Vera the winner by unanimous decision.  Vera suggested his arm is broken after the fight.


-Ramsey Nijem (4-2) vs. Danny Downes (8-2)

Round 1: They touch gloves and we’re under way.  Nijem attacks with punches.  They clinch and in a scramble Nijem gains top position.  Downes gives up his back to get back to his feet.  Downes back to his feet.  Nijem lands a combination and secures a takedown.  Nijem elbows Downes to the body.  Downes gets up and eats a knee for his efforts.  Nijem doesn’t give him any space and presses him against the cage.  Nijem with a takedown but Downes quickly back up.  Nijem takes his back and works for a rear naked choke.  Downes defends and gets out the backdoor.  Nijem shoots in for a takedown and gets it.  Downes gets up only to be taken down again.  Nijem takes his back.  The round ends. 

Round 2: Nijem lands a right hand.  Downes lands a straight right.  Nijem with a right hand and leg kick.  Nijem takes the fight to the ground.  Downes ends up having Nijem in a crucifix.  Nijem escapes and gets up and takes Downes down.  Nijem advances to the mount position.  Nijem has his left arm trapped.  Nijem sinks in a rear naked choke but Downes gets free.  Nijem moves back to mount and lands a hard elbow.  Downes gets back to his feet again but Nijem has his back.  Nijem drags him to the ground.  Nijem has his back adn lands three solid elbows to the head of Downes.  Nijem applies a rear naked choke, but Downes gets out again.  Nijem puts Downes into a body lock.  The round ends.

Round 3: Nijem moves forward and lands a series of uppercuts from the clinch.  Nijem takes the fight to the ground.  Nijem puts Downes in a crucifix and then transitioned out.  Nijem lands punches to the body.  Downes tries to get up but Nijem takes his back.  Nijem lands several short punches and hammer fists to Downes’ head.  Nijem is beating him up.  With two minutes left and Nijem is in complete control of the fight.  Downes gets back up only to be pulled to the ground.  Nijem takes his back and flattens him out.  Nijem continues to hit him with short punches.  Nijem applies a rear naked choke but Downes fends it off.  The fight ends. 

The judges score the fight 30-25, 30-26 and 30-27, declaring Nijem the unanimous winner.


-Chris Camozzi (14-4) vs. Francis Carmont (16-7)

Round 1: Camozzi lands an outside leg kick to start the fight.  Carmont answers with an inside leg kick.  They exchange a few leg kicks.  Carmont catches one of the kicks and takes Camozzi down.  Camozzi gets back to his feet but takes a knee to the body in the process.  They’re clinched against the cage.  Camozzi pressing Carmont against the cage.  Carmont creates some distance and frees himself.  Carmont with a knee to the body.  Camozzi presses forward, landing a right hand.  They’re tied up along the fence.  Carmont lands a jumping knee to the body.  Camozzi presses forward and they clinch.  Close round.

Round 2: They exchange kicks to start the round.  Carmont lands a right hand that may have hurt Camozzi.  Camozzi clinches and pushes Carmont to the fence.  Camozzi works for a single leg takedown but Carmont defends.  Carmont lands two knees to the body and another.  Carmont lands another knee to the body.  Camozzi breaks from the clinch.  Carmont is opening up, landing several knees.  Carmont has Camozzi’s back standing.  Carmont picks him up and slams him to the canvas.  Carmont stands over him and lands punches.  Carmont lets him up but as Camozzi stands, Carmont lands a combination that drops Camozzi.  Camozzi’s bleeding from the nose.  Camozzi worked a standing neck crank at the end of the round.

Round 3: Carmont stands in front of Camozzi and throws a flurry.  Camozzi fires back and presses Carmont against the fence.  Carmont lands knees to the body and they separate.  Camozzi lands a leg kick and they clinch.  Camozzi unable to get Carmont down.  They separate and take the center of the Octagon.  They exchange leg kicks.  Camozzi pushes forward with a combination that misses.  Carmont takes him down.  Carmont stands but does nothing.  Carmont lets him up.  Camozzi lands a left hand.  Just under a minute remaining and they’re clinched against the cage.  Referee Herb Dean separates them.  Carmont with a front kick.  Camozzi with a flying knee but Carmont takes his back adn lands a hard punch.  In the final seconds, Camozzi secured a kimura but the bell rang as he had it extended.

The judges render their decision, scoring the fight 30-26, 30-27, 20-27 for Carmont by unanimous decision.


-Dustin Jacoby (6-0) vs. Clifford Starks (7-0)

Round 1: Both fighters being careful early.  Starks moves in and misses with a combination.  Starks lands a glancing right hand.  Jacoby lands a straight right hand.  Starks lands a counter right hand that snaps Jacoby’s head back.  Jacoby seems worried about Starks’ takedowns.  Starks times a takedown and double legs Jacoby.  Jacoby isolates an arm as the bell sounds.

Round 2: Jacoby looking to counter Starks as Starks moves in.  Jacoby lands a right hand.  Starks lunges in with a right hook that misses.  Jacoby lands a spinning back kick to the body.  Starks puts a jab in Jacoby’s face.  They exchange right hands in the center of the Octagon.  Half way through the round and the pace is picking up.  Starks is stalking looking to land a right hand.  Starks opts for a takedown.  Jacoby does a good job of controling Starks’ head.  Starks isn’t doing much damage at this point.  Starks postures up and lands a left hand.  Starks lands a series of peppering right hands.  The round ends.

Round 3: Jacoby’s corner tells him he needs a finish to win and urges him to let his hands go.  Starks lands a punch to the body and followed it with a right hand to the jaw.  Starks with a right hand and Jacoby lands a knee as he backed away.  Starks secures a takedown.  Three minutes remaining in the round.  Starks landing short shots but not doing much damage.  Starks moves to side control but jumps back in Jacoby’s half guard.  Jacoby looks for a kimura.  Starks defends it.  Starks controls Jacoby and lands some shots in the closing seconds.

The judges score the bout 30-27 on all score cards, declaring Clifford Starks the winner by unanimous decision.


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