Poilievre Promises to Unlock Ring Of Fire


Poilievre to green-light all federal permits for the Ring of Fire within six months, commit $1 billion to build new road, unlocking billions of dollars in resources and taking back control of our economy from the Americans

Sudbury, ON – Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre said today that his Canada First Conservative Government will set a goal to green-light all federal permits for the Ring of Fire in Northern Ontario within six months to harvest chromite, cobalt, nickel, copper and platinum.

Poilievre will also commit $1 billion over three years to the construction of a long-overdue road, connecting First Nations communities and the critical mineral deposits in the Ring of Fire to the Ontario highway network, while allowing companies investing in the Ring of Fire to pay a share of their federal corporate taxes to local First Nations.

Located 500 kilometres north of Thunder Bay, the Ring of Fire is one of the largest untapped areas for rare earth metals in the world, hosting tens of billions of dollars of resource wealth.

“Unlocking the Ring of Fire will be life-changing for Northern Ontario towns and First Nation communities, galvanized by thousands of paycheques and modern infrastructure,” said Poilievre. “We could boost our economy with billions of dollars, allowing us to become less dependent on the Americans, while our allies overseas would no longer have to rely on Beijing for these metals, turning dollars for dictators into paycheques for our people.”

The Carney-Trudeau Liberals have known about the Ring of Fire’s massive economic potential for a decade, but didn’t approve a single road, or allow a single mine to get constructed. The Liberals did everything in their power to keep these minerals in the ground by sitting on permits for five whole years and passing Bill C-69, which makes resource projects like these very difficult, if not impossible, to get approved at all.

“This gatekeeping and red tape was devastating for Canada before Donald Trump threatened tariffs on our economy. Now, it is an act of economic suicide,” said Poilievre. “By partnering with First Nations to develop our world-class resources, we will bring home powerful paycheques for all Canadians.”

On top of this, as NATO has identified these critical minerals as being essential towards our collective defence, Conservative Government investments in the road and this project will count towards the calculation of Canada hitting its 2 percent of GDP commitment on defence.

Only a Canada First Conservative Government will rapidly approve Ring of Fire permits and quickly repeal C-69, the anti-resource law the Liberals still have in place. Only a Conservative government will support mines, pipelines, mills, LNG plants, more ports and better export opportunities to diversify our economies and make us less dependent on the Americans. That’s what it means to Put Canada First.

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