PvP, WoW Classic Gold, Character Races, and More in 2025!

From choosing your race and character class to quickly leveling up and dominating battlefields, this 2025 WoW Classic guide covers everything for a beginner!
From choosing your race and character class to quickly leveling up and dominating battlefields, this 2025 WoW Classic guide covers everything for a beginner!

World of Warcraft Classic is a return to the original World of Warcraft gameplay. It was released back in 2019 to recapture nostalgic gameplay for all veterans and newbies. Among many things, it offers the same old-school mechanics, a large open world, tough enemies, a slow leveling progression system, and challenging gameplay.

However, if you are new to the game, getting started can be tough. Many experienced players have already mastered the game which can make things difficult for you down the line. Therefore, to catch up and enjoy the game fully, we recommend you buy WoW Classic gold to get a head start in the game.

For more information, continue reading this WoW Classic guide which covers everything you need to know before playing the genre-defining classic MMO.

Character Creation

Upon starting the game, you’ll be first asked to create your character by determining its race and class. The game is divided into two factions: Alliance and Horde, each with unique races that come with special racial traits.

Choosing the right race and class is one of the most important WoW Classic beginner tips because it affects your abilities, playstyle, and overall performance in both PvE and PvP. For instance, Humans on the Alliance side have an increased reputation bonus that allows them to earn faction-related rewards more easily whereas Night Elves have a Shadowmeld ability which makes them temporarily invisible—great for avoiding conflict. On the Horde side, Orcs boast blood fury which increases their melee attack power while Trolls have Berserking, an ability that increases attack speed, great for those focused on DPS.

In WoW Classic, your class determines your combat role. Warriors can tank, but if you don’t have decent gear, you won’t be doing much. Mages can do great spell damage, but up close, they’re useless when it comes to melee. If you like healing and buffing other players, then you should be fine with a Priest or Druid. The Alliance and Horde offer similar class options, although some differ—the Paladin class is only available for the Alliance, and the Shaman class is only available for the Horde.

Leveling Up

Once you are in-game, the next WoW classic guide you need is how to level up the fastest.

One of the best ways to level efficiently is to focus on questing in key zones that offer good experiences and rewards. Starting areas like Elwynn Forest for Alliance players and Durotar for the Horde faction offer introductory quests for new players before transitioning to Westfall (Alliance) or the Barrens (Horde) at higher levels. In between, it’s good to grind mobs—especially for AoE classes like Mages who level this way faster. Levels are not meant to be soloed. Questing will take much longer and be far harder; elite quests, in fact, are almost impossible to complete without help.


Professions also play an important part in your overall character development. The two primary careers, Mining and Herbalism, are good for revenue generation while Engineering offers some nice perks for PvP. If you plan to raid later extensively, then learn Alchemy to make your own potions or Blacksmithing to craft your own gear. The secondary careers are available to everyone, and they include Cooking, Fishing, and First Aid among others. Of these, First Aid is the most useful as it allows you to create bandages to heal yourself instead of relying on health potions during battle. If you are new to WoW Classic, then we strongly suggest you go with First Aid as your secondary profession.

PvP Basics

Once you’ve levelled up a bit, it’s time to talk about PvP basics in this WoW Classic guide. PvP, along with the Honor System to track your progress, is very important in Classic WoW. Whether you’re Alliance or Horde, killing members of the opposing faction will net you Honor points over time. The more Honor you gain, the more you get ranked—and ranking means access to special powerful gear and rewards. There are guaranteed weapons and armor but there are also some PvP mounts.

As of 2025, the system has been updated to cap ranks at 11 during Phase 2, with ranks 12 to 14 becoming available shortly after the release of the Blackwing Lair raid in Phase 3.

Battlegrounds are designated areas where large-scale PvP battles occur. Notable battlegrounds include Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, and Alterac Valley. Success in these battlegrounds heavily relies on teamwork and communication.

For instance, in Warsong Gulch, teams need to not only capture the opposing team’s flag but also ensure their own flag does not get captured in the process. In Arathi Basin, the team having the most control over resource nodes at the end wins. Alterac Valley involves complex objectives, including capturing graveyards and towers, where large groups must work together to overpower the enemy. In all of these, effective communication with your team is key to victory.

Economy and Gold

Another important WoW Classic beginner tip for new players is accumulating enough gold. In WoW Classic, gold is essential for buying gear, learning skills, and getting mounts. The in-game economy is largely player-driven, with Auction House trading playing a major role where the prices of items fluctuate based on supply and demand.

Questing is an easy way to make gold as well. Many quests reward a nice chunk of gold, and merely completing them can quickly fill up your wallet. Another way to make gold easily is by farming. Farming herbs, ores, and leathers are all profitable ways to earn gold and those who gather these materials sell them at the Auction House for gold. Finally, professions give players another easy opportunity to make gold. For instance, if you have the profession of alchemy, you can create and sell potions.

Advanced Tips

Lastly, we touch upon some raiding and dungeon preparations in our WoW Classic guide for new players. World of Warcraft Classic is all about the endgame, and once you reach level 60, powerful raids get unlocked.

For instance, high-level raids like Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, and Naxxramas require you to be well-prepared and in possession of strong gear, consumables, and a solid understanding of boss mechanics.

Before stepping into these high-level challenges, it’s crucial to upgrade your gear by farming dungeons (which are available under level 60), crafting epic items, or buying powerful weapons and armor. Additionally, enchants can also provide critical stat boosts. For example, applying a crusader enchant to your melee weapon will intermittently let you heal by 75-125 and increase your strength by 100 for 15 seconds.

For PvP success, mastering your class abilities and practicing crowd control, positioning, and teamwork are essential. Using the right trinkets, potions, and buffs can make a huge difference in battles. In PvE, understanding your role, whether it’s tanking, healing, or dealing damage, is key to surviving difficult encounters. Communication is crucial in both PvE and PvP, so always make sure to coordinate with your group.


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