Toronto Transit Commission Set for Winter Storm

TTC Streetcar
Interior view of the new TTC Streetcars

TTC prepared for heavy snowfall today, cancels scheduled early subway closure

TORONTO – NEWS – The TTC is taking proactive measures to keep customers and employees safe while delivering as much reliable service as possible, with a winter storm system to produce heavy snow across the city today. The transit agency is encouraging motorists to stay off the roads and take transit to get around the city.

Tonight’s early 11 p.m. subway closure on Line 1 Yonge-University between Bloor-Yonge and Osgoode stations has been cancelled.

Originally scheduled for state-of-good-repair track work, the cancellation will free up all available crews for storm mitigation efforts, including the redeployment of shuttle buses to add extra service to local bus routes. This strategic measure aims to preserve service levels in areas where heavy snowfall or other adverse weather conditions result in significant slowdowns, detours, or disruptions.

Extra TTC employees and maintenance vehicles will be deployed throughout the system spreading salt and clearing surfaces of snow, keeping signals, switches, and overhead power operating, and attending to any weather-related challenges.

As the storm moves in, the TTC will be actively monitoring 56 local bus stops in areas where heavy snow and freezing rain are known to impact bus service. Some individual stops serve multiple local bus routes. Customers are advised to check if their bus stop is in service before they travel by visiting: QR codes displayed on signs at each of the 56 stops allow customers to check in real-time if their stop is in service.

Wheel-Trans will continue to provide service, however customers may experience delays and additional wait times. Customers who want to cancel their booked trips may do so without deducting ‘Life Happens’ points.

Other measures to ensure service continuity include:

• Running anti-icing trains to keep the power rail and tracks clear of snow and ice.

• Spraying anti-icing on the entire streetcar overhead network, as well as on the ground at all bus, streetcar, and subway divisions, to ensure our vehicles can operate safely.

• The TTC will stay in regular communication with the City to ensure crews are aware of issues on transit routes.

• Social media and web updates will be pushed out frequently to keep customers informed.

The TTC is committed to providing a safe and reliable service in the most extreme weather, but operations can be impacted by road conditions.

Customers are advised to follow @TTCNotices on X or visit for updates, and to allow extra travel time in bad weather.

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