Toronto Declares Major Snowstorm Condition


City of Toronto declares Major Snowstorm Condition and Significant Weather Event ahead of snow operations

The City of Toronto is declaring a Major Snowstorm Condition and Significant Weather Event in Toronto in advance of the heavy snowfall that is expected to begin Wednesday evening and continue overnight, with accumulations expected to reach up to 25 centimetres across the city. The declarations will come into effect at 10 p.m. tonight.

An additional five to 10 centimetres of snow is also expected on each of Saturday and Sunday, with total snowfall accumulation from the two weather events expected to reach up to 35 centimetres.

In most cases, snow accumulation can be managed within the existing road allowance through the City’s normal snow clearing operations. However, the City has the authority to declare a Major Snowstorm Condition when significant amounts of snow are expected to accumulate that exceeds the capacity of the road allowance.

While the declarations are in effect, parking on roads designated as snow routes is prohibited. This will allow for winter maintenance equipment to efficiently clear and remove windrows left from snow clearing operations, as these can restrict traffic flow, interfere with pedestrians and parking, and obstruct sightlines. Emergency service vehicles rely on clear roads to respond quickly to emergencies.

Vehicles parked on snow routes will be towed at the owner’s expense to prevent them from hindering snow clearing operations. Parking on a designated snow route is also subject to a fine of up to $200. To locate a towed vehicle, contact Toronto Police Service at 416-808-2222.

A list and map of snow routes are on the City’s website:

Significant Weather Event

It may take longer than usual to clear city roads, sidewalks and bicycle lanes. Because of this, the City is also declaring a Significant Weather Event under which the City will be exempt from Provincial service levels for winter maintenance.

As needed, the City will remove snow to designated storage sites. Snow removal operations will commence as soon as planned plowing operations conclude.

Both declarations will be cancelled as soon as roadways are deemed safe.

The City is also activating its Emergency Operations Centre today to coordinate resources from across City divisions, agencies and corporations and partners as needed to prepare for and respond to the snowstorm.

Advice for the public

While the Major Snowstorm Condition is in effect, the City encourages the public to leave their vehicles at home and use public transit where possible. More information will be posted on the TTC ( and GO Transit ( websites.

While the City’s winter operations are activated, some 311 service requests for salting or snow clean-up will be temporarily unavailable online, via the mobile application or if calling 311 Toronto. Residents should expect delays to the regular snow removal services that are usually implemented.

Road users should expect delays, slippery conditions and poor visibility. If driving, slow down, follow at a safe distance and use gentle braking, steering and acceleration. Road users should also keep a safe distance from snow clearing equipment and crews to let them complete their work safely and efficiently.

Follow the City on X to get the latest updates via @cityoftoronto. Residents can view plowing operations as they occur at

Toronto has a comprehensive snow response plan that prioritizes the safety and movement of residents. More information is available at

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