8 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Wall Mount Speakers for Your Business


So, you’ve been thinking about adding some speakers to your commercial space, aiming at improving sound quality, ensuring that all of your messages are heard loud and clear, as well as providing a pleasant background noise? Whatever your reasons for doing this are, one thing is for sure. It is the right move.

Retail stores, restaurants, offices… Basically all commercial spaces can benefit from adding speakers. The only thing is, you have to be careful when choosing the right ones for you. So, the first piece of advice I have to share here is this. Don’t rush into it.

Having done some research, you may have come to one simple conclusion. Basically, it is the wall mount speakers that appeal to you the most and that you believe your commercial space could benefit from the most. So, you are now diverting your attention towards those particular products, aiming at finding the best one for your space.

The thing is, though, just because you’ve made this particular decision, it doesn’t mean that you’re done deciding. In other words, you could still wind up making some wrong moves in the process. And, since that is not exactly what you want, I would advise you to get familiar with the mistakes that people often make here, and then do your best to avoid them. If you’re ready to do that, then you should simply keep on reading, because below I will list some of those common mistakes that you should keep in mind and do your best to avoid when buying wall mount speakers for your business.

  • Not Considering the Space Size and Layout

Not every commercial space will benefit from the same audio setup, and this should be perfectly clear already. Of course, this further means that you shouldn’t go for random setups before considering the actual size of the space, as well as its layout. As you may very well know, larger spaces, as well as irregularly shaped ones, will require some more planning in order to ensure proper coverage. It would be a good idea for you to discuss this with professionals and help them assess the space, in case you’re not sure you can do it all alone.

  • Ignoring the Purpose

Another thing that will help you assess your particular audio needs is the actual purpose of buying the speakers in the first place. And yet, a lot of people tend to ignore this, thinking it isn’t really that important. When you take a moment to think about it, though, you’ll realize that it is actually highly significant. Some pieces of equipment will be better for background noise, while others will be more functional for public announcements. Of course, there are systems that can do it all, but the bottom line is that you have to know what it is that you’re trying to achieve before you go shopping.

If you’re thinking of in-wall speakers, you may want to learn about their pros and cons as well: https://www.techradar.com/audio/architectural-speakers-10-pros-and-cons-of-in-wall-and-in-ceiling-sound 

  • Ignoring Sound Quality

It goes without saying that you want to ensure the perfect sound quality when getting the speakers for your commercial space. Plenty of buyers, however, ignore this, perhaps because they don’t know how to assess it, or simply because they assume that the quality will be the same with any system, which is certainly wrong. Clearly, you shouldn’t make this mistake.

What you should do instead is consider some key aspects that will impact the quality of the sound. Frequency response, distortion levels, as well as clarity of speech and music are some of the most significant factors to keep in mind here. So, do some testing before you commit to one system or another, because you don’t want to regret your purchase afterwards.


  • Not Thinking Carefully About the Placement

Okay, it is clear that you want your speakers to be mounted on the walls. But, that’s not enough consideration when it comes to actual placement. To get the perfect coverage, you will have to carefully choose where you’re placing the speakers, and that goes for any kind of setting, be it a commercial space, or even your home theater. Speaking of, go here to learn some more about the benefits of these products for your home theater.

Anyway, here is the point. You want the sound to be even, which is why you should consider factors such as mounting height, speaker orientation, as well as the number of speakers you want to get. Proper placement is of crucial importance, so don’t ignore it. And, once again, you may want to consult an audio professional to help you assess the space and recommend the right solutions.

  • Not Checking Compatibility With Existing Systems

If you are already using certain audio systems, then you shouldn’t forget to check the compatibility of the speakers you are getting with those. Forgetting to do this can be a costly mistake, as it may require you to change certain systems in order to be able to integrate everything perfectly with one another. So, don’t ever do any shopping before checking compatibility.

  • Buying Based on the Price Alone

It is completely normal for all businesses to be worried about their budgets. But, here is the thing. If you buy these products based on the prices alone, you may wind up being quite unhappy in the end, which will result in you buying new systems, and that will ultimately cost more. So, consider the prices, but don’t’ regard them as the number one factor.

  • Not Taking Aesthetics Into Account

As a practical person, you may be more interested in functionality than aesthetics. Especially when it comes to choosing speakers for your PA system. Well, I do get it. But, you should still do your best to take the aesthetics into account, and thus choose those products that will fit in perfectly with your overall space. With plenty of beautiful designs out there, there’s certainly no need to compromise.

  • Buying From Shady Suppliers

Here’s the final mistake you should avoid. Buying from shady suppliers. People often wind up doing this because they fail to research different suppliers. And, since that’s not a good idea, I’d advise you to do extensive research before placing any orders.

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