How champions train: The daily routine of professional boxers


Boxing is among the most popular sports in the world. Over the years, we’ve seen many fighters rise to the very top. Legendary boxers like Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, Manny Pacquiao, Mike Tyson, and most recently, Tyson Fury have rightfully earned their place in history books as the best in their field. Being a successful boxer comes from talent but also from hard work. 

Boxers must be strong both physically and mentally while focusing on stamina, speed, and footwork. This is not easy to do. Once you become a boxer, you train every day and aim to be the best you can be. When you step into the ring, you need to give everything you have to come out victorious. This is not like casually playing at roulette casinos, where you might measure your winnings when betting on red or black. Boxers follow a strict regiment to be in the best shape of their lives. This is what a day in the life of a professional boxer looks like.

  • Running
  • Jump Rope
  • Shadow Box
  • Strength Training
  • Pad Work
  • Sparring

Daily Runs

If you’ve ever seen any of the Rocky movies, you know how the day of the boxer started. Knocking back 6 raw eggs, followed by a long run early in the morning. This is still a way to start the day for most boxers, although the treadmill is now the preferred choice. Starting the day with a run is great for the cardiovascular system and also helps the boxer build up stamina. 

Jump Rope

The jump rope is one of the classic boxing exercises. This is done to improve the fighter’s endurance, as well as his coordination. With the jump rope, you practice the same rhythm over and over again. For most fighters, the jump rope is a great starting exercise. 

Shadow Boxing

Shadowboxing is used to improve the technique aspect of the fighter. It allows you to visualize the opponent and work on your body movements and shots. This is more of a warm-up exercise and a great way for the boxer to perfect his moves. 

Strength Training

To be a good boxer, you need to have a strong punch. Mike Tyson was one of the most explosive fighters in the history of the world and he didn’t achieve that by throwing soft punches. Having the right genes and the physique helps a lot, but with the right strength training, any fighter can become a power machine. 

Most fighters hit the gym, where the most common exercises are the deadlift, bench press and squats. These exercises target specific muscles and help shape your overall physique. 

Pad Work

Every boxer goes through rigorous pad work with his coach. The coach holds the pads, and the boxer throws the punches. This is a realistic setting allowing the boxer to work on his accuracy as well as his timing. The coach can also create realistic scenarios of the fight. 


Sites like Roulette77 will tell you that practice makes perfect and sparring brings all of the training sessions together. The boxer spars against an opponent where the fight is controlled, yet very similar to the real deal. This is the last phase of preparing for a real match and where the coach decides what needs to be changed and what needs to stay. 


Nutrition is a big part of the daily regimen for a boxer. If you’re a heavyweight you need to have a big intake of daily calories. The meals are usually planned by a specialist, and the fighter has to stick with the menu. Some fighters struggle to get down to the desired weight so they can fight in their weight class. But you need to have a healthy body and suitable nutrition to have that explosive power. 

Most boxers take about 3-4,000 calories a day. Their diet usually includes carbohydrates and lots of protein. You don’t get that physique by starving yourself all day. A good nutritionist is a must in every training camp nowadays. Here are some foods recommended for boxers and their nutritional values. 


Food Amount Carbs
Boiled Potato 50 grams 11.3
Wheat Bread 60 grams 29.4
Orange 100 grams 10.9
Raisins 10 grams 7.46


Mental Strength

Every fighter struggles with mental strength, regardless of how ready he is or how many years of experience he has. When the time comes to step into the ring, you need to have a strong body and an even stronger mind. Boxers will use a number of tactics to mess with their opponents and get an advantage. 

But you also need that mental strength to get you through the days when you are training. Sometimes it can be a struggle to get out of bed and start training when everything hurts, and you lay there wondering if all of this is worth it. You need the right motivation to move you forward towards your goals. The best fighters in the world were the ones with the right mindset and the motivation to get to the top. 

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