Chief Constant Honoured At Women In Mining Gala Event

Chief Jennifer Constant, Mattagami First Nation, was honoured with the Indigenous Trailblazer Award at the inaugural Women In Mining Sudbury Gala on November 21, 2024. She is pictured here with Mattagami FN staff and community members who joined her at the event. From L-R are: Mahdabiin McKay, Nicole Charbonneau, Wabun Tribal Council; Sarah McKay, Councillor Cindy McKay, Ivan McKay, Tessa Thomas, Chief Constant, Chelsea DeBastos, Julie McKay, Ava Naveau, Ameria Wesley, Councillor Dereck McKay, Ashley Naveau, Amanda Belanger and Sonia Corbiere. 
Chief Jennifer Constant, Mattagami First Nation, was honoured with the Indigenous Trailblazer Award at the inaugural Women In Mining Sudbury Gala on November 21, 2024. She is pictured here with Mattagami FN staff and community members who joined her at the event. From L-R are: Mahdabiin McKay, Nicole Charbonneau, Wabun Tribal Council; Sarah McKay, Councillor Cindy McKay, Ivan McKay, Tessa Thomas, Chief Constant, Chelsea DeBastos, Julie McKay, Ava Naveau, Ameria Wesley, Councillor Dereck McKay, Ashley Naveau, Amanda Belanger and Sonia Corbiere. 

by Xavier Kataquapit

Chief Jennifer Constant, Mattagami First Nation
Chief Jennifer Constant, Mattagami First Nation

Chief Jennifer Constant, Mattagami First Nation was celebrated as one of the guests of honour at the inaugural Women In Mining Sudbury awards gala which was held on November 21. She was recognized as an Indigenous Trailblazer during the event in honour of her years of service and advocating for her First Nation as related to the mining industry.

“I am very honoured to receive this recognition. As an Indigenous woman I’ve worked for many years for my community and for my people. As Indigenous people, we have a strong connection to the land and we always need to be at the table in negotiations to share our input, to speak our truth and participate in serving our traditional role of protectors of the land,” commented Chief Constant.

She explained that as Indigenous people one of the most important roles of First Nations is in their ability and responsibility to represent environmental and ecological protections and preservation and to honour the culture and traditions of her people.

“I grew up in a First Nation surrounded by all kinds of resource developments and mining exploration and initiatives with a history of operating on our lands with little or no inclusion of any representation from Indigenous people. This award by the Women In Mining Sudbury is a recognition of all of the work of past Chiefs and Councils as well as Elders from Mattagami First Nation who fought to make sure our voices were heard,” explained Chief Constant.

Chief Jennifer Constant was joined by some of the youth from Mattagami First Nation during the Women In Mining Sudbury Gala event on November 21. From L-R: Mahdabiin McKay, Ameria Wesley, Chief Constant, Tessa Thomas and Ava Naveau.
Chief Jennifer Constant was joined by some of the youth from Mattagami First Nation during the Women In Mining Sudbury Gala event on November 21. From L-R: Mahdabiin McKay, Ameria Wesley, Chief Constant, Tessa Thomas and Ava Naveau.

She comes from a long line of leaders who have always represented their people and the land to secure real benefits for Mattagami FN members while protecting the land. Her great grandfather Chief Andrew Luke was the signatory to Treaty #9 between Mattagami FN and the government of Canada in 1906. Chief Luke was the first recognized Chief of Mattagami FN.

“After my great grandfather Chief Andrew Luke signed that treaty, he realized later that what was promised on signing the treaty and what actually happened as time moved on was not fulfilled. As a result of his displeasure, he protested by refusing to take treat annuity payments for himself as he felt that he had failed his community,” said Chief Constant.

Her family has advocated and fought for the rights of the community for generations. Her mother Joyce Luke, served as Chief, as did her uncle Gerald Luke and grandfather Alec Luke.

“Thank you to Women in Mining Sudbury for this wonderful award. I truly am honoured and humbled for the recognition of my many years of working with mining companies and industry while representing First Nations objectives, initiatives and overall advocacy for sustainable and socially responsible mining in our territory.

Thank you to Robin Roy for the nomination, to Jason Batise of Wabun Tribal Council and on behalf of the Wabun Chiefs, Krista Maydew of IAMGold, and Devin Naveau of Mattagami AKI for the support letters to my nomination,” commented Chief Constant.

Mattagami FN is part of the Wabun Tribal Council along with the First Nations of Beaverhouse, Brunswick House, Chapleau Ojibwe, Flying Post and Matachewan.



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Xavier Kataquapit
Under The Northern Sky is the title of a popular Aboriginal news column written by First Nation writer, Xavier Kataquapit, who is originally from Attawapiskat Ontario on the James Bay coast. He has been writing the column since 1997 and it is is published regularly in newspapers across Canada. In addition to working as a First Nation columnist, his writing has been featured on various Canadian radio broadcast programs. Xavier writes about his experiences as a First Nation Cree person. He has provided much insight into the James Bay Cree in regards to his people’s culture and traditions. As a Cree writer, his stories tell of the people on the land in the area of Attawapiskat First Nation were he was born and raised.