October 24-26, 2024: Weather Forecast for Northern Ontario First Nations

North Star Air in Pickle Lake

Thunder Bay – Weather – As October turns toward the last week of the month northern communities of Ontario are experiencing a blend of crisp fall conditions and early winter chills.

These communities, which span vast areas of Northern Ontario, are preparing for cooler weather, and some may already be seeing the first hints of snow.

Here is the detailed weather forecast for October 24-26, 2024, for Marten Falls, Wasaho Cree Nation (Fort Severn), Fort Hope, Sachigo Lake, KI (Big Trout Lake), Sandy Lake, Pikangikum, Cat Lake, Kasabonika Lake, Neskantaga (Landsdowne House), Summer Beaver, Peawanuck, and Attawapiskat.

In addition to current conditions, we’ll provide insight into upcoming weather patterns, barometric pressure readings, wind conditions, sunrise and sunset times, wardrobe suggestions, and a touch of local weather trivia.

Marten Falls (Ogoki Post)

October 24: Marten Falls is starting the day with overcast skies and light winds from the northwest at 20 km/h. The temperature is currently 2°C, with a barometric pressure reading of 1016 hPa. Sunrise is at 8:17 AM, and sunset will be at 6:32 PM.
October 25-26: Friday will see cloudy skies and cooler temperatures, with highs around 3°C and lows dipping to -1°C at night. Saturday will bring clear skies but temperatures will struggle to rise above 4°C.

Wardrobe Suggestion: A warm jacket and gloves are essential for the chilly mornings, especially if you’re out early or late in the day.
Weather Trivia: Marten Falls is known for its early frosts, with temperatures dropping below freezing regularly in October.

Wasaho Cree Nation (Fort Severn)

October 24: Fort Severn, Ontario’s northernmost community, is facing overcast skies and snow flurries today. The current temperature is -3°C, with a brisk wind from the northeast at 35 km/h, creating a wind chill of -10°C. Barometric pressure is 1008 hPa. Sunrise is at 8:34 AM, and sunset is at 6:19 PM.
October 25-26: Snow will continue on Friday with temperatures staying between -5°C and -9°C. Saturday will be clearer, but cold, with highs around -4°C and lows of -10°C.

Wardrobe Suggestion: Heavy winter gear, including a parka, snow boots, and gloves, will be necessary, particularly with the wind chill making conditions feel much colder.
Weather Trivia: Fort Severn often sees its first snow in early October, marking the swift transition into winter.

Fort Hope (Eabametoong)

October 24: Fort Hope is waking up to cloudy skies and a current temperature of 1°C. Winds are light from the northwest at 15 km/h, and the barometric pressure is 1014 hPa. Sunrise is at 8:08 AM, and sunset will be at 6:37 PM.
October 25-26: Friday will bring light snow showers, with temperatures hovering between -1°C and 2°C. Saturday will be clearer but cold, with daytime highs of 3°C and nighttime lows around -2°C.

Wardrobe Suggestion: A winter coat and insulated footwear are recommended, particularly for Friday’s snow showers.
Weather Trivia: Fort Hope often experiences snowfall by late October, with the ground usually staying white for the remainder of the winter.

Sachigo Lake

October 24: Sachigo Lake is seeing cloudy skies and a current temperature of 0°C. Winds are calm from the northwest at 10 km/h, and the barometric pressure is 1017 hPa. Sunrise is at 8:24 AM, and sunset is at 6:43 PM.
October 25-26: Light snow is expected on Friday, with highs of 1°C and lows of -3°C. Saturday will bring a mix of sun and clouds with temperatures between 2°C and -4°C.

Wardrobe Suggestion: Layer up with a warm coat, hat, and gloves to handle the colder temperatures, especially in the early mornings and evenings.
Weather Trivia: October 1997 saw one of the earliest winter storms in Sachigo Lake, where the community recorded nearly 15 cm of snow before the end of the month.

KI (Big Trout Lake)

October 24: KI (Big Trout Lake) is experiencing light snow flurries today with a current temperature of -1°C. Winds are from the north at 20 km/h, making it feel like -6°C. Barometric pressure is 1009 hPa. Sunrise is at 8:28 AM, and sunset is at 6:45 PM.
October 25-26: Snow flurries will continue through Friday, with temperatures between -3°C and -7°C. Saturday will be drier but cold, with highs of -2°C and lows near -9°C.

Wardrobe Suggestion: Full winter attire, including thermal layers and insulated boots, is necessary as the cold intensifies, especially with the wind chill.
Weather Trivia: Big Trout Lake often sees some of its first significant snowfalls in October, marking the early arrival of winter conditions.

Sandy Lake

October 24: Sandy Lake is experiencing overcast skies with snow flurries. The current temperature is 0°C, with winds from the northwest at 25 km/h, giving a wind chill of -5°C. Barometric pressure is 1011 hPa. Sunrise is at 8:22 AM, and sunset will be at 6:41 PM.
October 25-26: Snow will continue through Friday, with temperatures around -1°C during the day and dropping to -6°C at night. Saturday will clear up but remain cold.

Wardrobe Suggestion: Winter boots, a thick coat, and gloves are essential for staying warm in the snowy conditions.
Weather Trivia: In October 1989, Sandy Lake experienced its coldest October on record, with temperatures dropping as low as -10°C.


October 24: Pikangikum starts the day with cloudy skies and occasional snow flurries. The current temperature is 1°C, and winds are from the northwest at 20 km/h. Barometric pressure is 1013 hPa. Sunrise is at 8:12 AM, and sunset is at 6:38 PM.
October 25-26: Friday will see periods of snow with temperatures hovering around 0°C during the day and dropping to -4°C at night. Saturday will bring clearer skies, though temperatures will remain cold.

Wardrobe Suggestion: A thick jacket, hat, and gloves are recommended for the chilly and snowy conditions.
Weather Trivia: Pikangikum often experiences its first measurable snowfall in mid-October, signaling the onset of winter.

Cat Lake

October 24: Cat Lake is under cloudy skies with light snow showers. The current temperature is -1°C, and the winds are light at 15 km/h from the northwest. Barometric pressure is 1016 hPa. Sunrise is at 8:19 AM, and sunset is at 6:41 PM.
October 25-26: Snow will continue on Friday with highs around 1°C and lows of -5°C. Saturday will be drier but colder, with highs near 0°C.

Wardrobe Suggestion: A heavy coat and winter boots are recommended, especially as snow continues to accumulate.
Weather Trivia: Cat Lake often sees its first frosts by early October, making it one of the colder communities in the region.

Kasabonika Lake

October 24: Kasabonika Lake is experiencing cloudy skies and snow flurries. The current temperature is -2°C with winds from the northwest at 20 km/h, making it feel like -7°C. Barometric pressure is 1010 hPa. Sunrise is at 8:27 AM, and sunset is at 6:46 PM.
October 25-26: Snow will continue on Friday, with daytime highs of -3°C and lows dropping to -8°C. Saturday will bring clearer skies, but temperatures will remain cold.

Wardrobe Suggestion: Full winter gear is necessary as snow continues and temperatures drop.
Weather Trivia: Kasabonika Lake frequently experiences its first snow by mid-October, setting the stage for long, cold winters.

Neskantaga (Lansdowne House)

October 24: Neskantaga is seeing light snow with a current temperature of 0°C. Winds are calm from the northwest at 10 km/h, and the barometric pressure is 1014 hPa. Sunrise is at 8:25 AM, and sunset is at 6:44 PM.
October 25-26: Snow will continue through Friday, with highs around 0°C and lows near -5°C. Saturday will bring drier conditions, but temperatures will remain cold.

Wardrobe Suggestion: A heavy coat and gloves are essential, as snow and cold continue to define the weather.
Weather Trivia: October 1991 saw one of the earliest heavy snowfalls in Neskantaga, where snow remained on the ground for much of the season.

Summer Beaver (Nibinamik)

October 24: Summer Beaver is waking up to snow flurries with a current temperature of -2°C. Winds are from the northwest at 15 km/h, and the barometric pressure is 1012 hPa. Sunrise is at 8:30 AM, and sunset will be at 6:50 PM.
October 25-26: Snow will persist through Friday, with temperatures staying between -3°C and -8°C. Saturday will see drier but cold weather, with highs of -3°C.

Wardrobe Suggestion: Full winter gear is necessary, including insulated boots and gloves, for these snowy and cold conditions.
Weather Trivia: Summer Beaver often sees its first snow in early October, and winter conditions settle in quickly by mid-month.


October 24: Peawanuck is experiencing light snow showers with a current temperature of -3°C. Winds are brisk from the northeast at 30 km/h, making it feel like -10°C. Barometric pressure is 1007 hPa. Sunrise is at 8:32 AM, and sunset will be at 6:15 PM.
October 25-26: Snow will continue through Friday, with temperatures remaining between -4°C and -10°C. Saturday will be clearer but still cold.

Wardrobe Suggestion: Arctic-level winter gear is essential, including a heavy parka and snow boots, to combat the wind and snow.
Weather Trivia: Peawanuck frequently sees its first major snowfall in October, with temperatures often plunging well below freezing early in the season.


October 24: Attawapiskat is waking up to snow and overcast skies. The current temperature is -2°C, and winds are from the northeast at 25 km/h. Barometric pressure is 1010 hPa. Sunrise is at 8:30 AM, and sunset is at 6:25 PM.
October 25-26: Snow will continue into Friday, with highs of -3°C and lows around -8°C. Saturday will be clearer but cold, with highs around -2°C.

Wardrobe Suggestion: Winter coats, insulated gloves, and boots are necessary for staying warm and dry in these snowy conditions.
Weather Trivia: October snowfalls are common in Attawapiskat, with some years seeing over 20 cm of snow by the end of the month.

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