Weather Forecast for Terrace Bay for October 15, 16, and 17, 2024

Weather Outlook Pine Trees and Blue Sky

Terrace Bay – Weather – Residents and visitors will experience typical cool, fall weather with a mix of cloudy skies, sunny periods, and frosty nights. Temperatures will be mild during the day but will drop close to or below freezing at night.

The arrival of colder nights and occasional frost signals that winter is steadily approaching. Travelers should stay updated on road conditions, as frost may lead to slick roads in the early mornings.

Current Conditions

As of the morning of October 15, 2024, Terrace Bay is experiencing partly cloudy skies with a current temperature of 7°C. Winds are blowing lightly from the northwest at 15 km/h, and the barometric pressure is 1016 hPa and steady, signaling calm weather for now. No major weather disturbances are expected over the next couple of days, but frost and cooler temperatures will be common at night.

October 15, 2024 – Tuesday

Tuesday will feature partly cloudy skies with occasional sunny breaks. The temperature will reach a high of 10°C, but the cool breeze from the northwest will keep it feeling crisp. Winds will remain at 10 to 15 km/h, and the barometric pressure will hold steady around 1016 hPa, indicating stable conditions.

As the evening progresses, temperatures will fall to -1°C, bringing frost overnight. Winds will calm down, and skies will clear up, allowing frost to form in the early morning hours. Motorists should take extra caution on the roads in the morning, as frost could make surfaces slick.

Sunrise: 7:59 AM
Sunset: 6:47 PM

October 16, 2024 – Wednesday

Wednesday will start off mostly clear, but clouds will gradually build throughout the day. The high temperature will reach 8°C, slightly cooler than Tuesday. Winds will shift from the northeast at 10 km/h, bringing a chill to the air. Barometric pressure will rise slightly to 1019 hPa, keeping the weather calm but cool.

Overnight, temperatures will again dip to around 0°C, with a chance of light frost forming in the early morning. Skies will be partly cloudy, and winds will stay light and variable. Be cautious when driving in the early morning, as roads may be slick from frost.

Sunrise: 8:01 AM
Sunset: 6:45 PM

October 17, 2024 – Thursday

Thursday will bring mostly cloudy skies, with a 40% chance of light rain developing in the afternoon. Temperatures will peak at 6°C, with winds from the east at 15 km/h. Barometric pressure will begin to drop to 1012 hPa, signaling a weak frontal system approaching that could bring some light precipitation later in the day.

The temperature will fall to 1°C overnight, with the possibility of rain or light flurries continuing into the night. Winds will stay light from the east, and skies will remain mostly cloudy.

Sunrise: 8:03 AM
Sunset: 6:42 PM

Wardrobe Suggestions

With temperatures dipping close to or below freezing at night, residents of Terrace Bay should be prepared for chilly mornings and cool afternoons. Layered clothing will be important, especially in the mornings and evenings. A medium-weight jacket or sweater will be ideal for daytime, but by evening, heavier coats, hats, scarves, and gloves will be needed as frost forms.

For those heading out in the afternoon, lighter layers should suffice, but rain jackets or umbrellas may be necessary for Thursday, when there’s a chance of rain. Insulated clothing is advised for anyone spending extended periods outdoors, particularly during the early mornings and evenings.

Weather Trivia

Terrace Bay, situated on the northern shore of Lake Superior, is no stranger to early winter conditions. On October 16, 1975, Terrace Bay experienced one of its earliest recorded snowfalls, with 5 cm of snow accumulating overnight. While no snow is forecasted for this week, the chilly temperatures and frosty mornings remind us that winter is just around the corner.

Road Conditions Update

As temperatures are expected to drop to 0°C or below on October 15th and 16th, frost may develop on roads, especially in the early mornings. Motorists should exercise caution when driving, particularly on bridges, shaded areas, and rural roads where frost is more likely to accumulate. For up-to-date road condition information and safe travel guidance, visit to stay informed on local conditions.

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