How to Make This Christmas as Stress-Free as Possible

3 Ways to Keep it Simple This Holiday Season

The festive season is meant to be a time of joy and togetherness, but for many it can be an incredibly stressful period. Between shopping, cooking, decorating, and hosting, Christmas can feel like an endless to-do list. Follow these tips to help make this Christmas as stress-free and enjoyable as possible.

Plan Ahead

Trying to cram everything into the last few weeks before Christmas is a surefire way to send your stress levels soaring. Get organised and start planning as far in advance as you can. Make lists of gifts you need to buy, food you need to source and prepare, decorations you want to put up, and any events or parties you want to host or attend. Having these plans in place early means you can spread tasks out and tackle a little bit at a time, rather than everything at once.

Set a Budget

Christmas shopping and celebrations can really add up, so deciding on a realistic budget before you start is key. Go through your expected outgoings – gifts, food, decorations, outfits, drinks, and any travel or accommodation – and figure out a total budget. When gift shopping, set a maximum spend per person. For food and drink, plan menus and check supermarket prices to estimate costs. Having a defined budget will help you keep spending in check and reduce financial stress. If you are fostering with, use some of your fostering allowance to cover the things your foster children will need for the holidays.

Shop Early

Braving the shops in mid-December can be chaotic, and stressful, and lead to impulse buying from desperation. Get ahead by starting your Christmas shopping as early as possible. Many retailers start their sales in late October or November, so make the most of these early bargains. Searching for and ordering gifts online is another way to get ahead. Opt for click and collect services to avoid delivery delays closer to Christmas. Spreading shopping across a few weeks or months means avoiding huge spending and long queues in one go.

Be Realistic

Review your plans and to-do list and ask yourself – is this realistic? It’s easy to get swept up in Instagram perfect Christmas expectations, but going overboard with decorations, baking, and hosting will only make you stressed. Pare back anything that’s not essential. Be honest about what you can actually manage and don’t be afraid to ask others for help or say no to non-essential plans.

Delegate and Share the Load

Christmas doesn’t have to be a one-person show. Shop for groceries together as a family and get everyone involved in preparing food and baking treats. Ask loved ones to help with gift wrapping or decorating the house. If you host Christmas dinner, delegate courses to guests and share the cooking. Don’t be afraid to outsource things like cleaning or gift buying to helpful services. Sharing the Christmas workload with others makes it much more manageable.

With some savvy planning, delegation, and self-care, Christmas doesn’t have to be stressful. Focus on what’s important to you and let go of perfectionist expectations. Follow these tips to keep stress at bay and make this your most joyful festive season yet.

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