Weekend Weather Report for Marten Falls, Wasaho Cree Nation (Fort Severn), Fort Hope, Sachigo Lake, KI (Big Trout Lake), Sandy Lake, Cat Lake, Kasabonika Lake, Neskantaga (Landsdowne House), and Attawapiskat: October 5, 6, and 7, 2024

White Bear Paw Print in snow - Image Lydia Matthews
White Bear Paw Print in snow - Image Lydia Matthews

Wasaho Cree Nation – Weather – As we enter the first weekend of October, many Northern Ontario First Nations communities will experience a mix of cool autumn temperatures, cloudy skies, and chances of light snow. Frost is expected at night as temperatures drop close to or below freezing.

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Here is a detailed weather forecast for October 5, 6, and 7, 2024, including wardrobe suggestions and interesting weather trivia.

Marten Falls (Ogoki Post)

Current Conditions (October 5, 2024)

  • Temperature: 3°C
  • Winds: Northwest at 15 km/h
  • Barometric Pressure: 1018 hPa
  • Skies: Overcast

October 5-7 Forecast:

  • October 5: Cloudy with a chance of light snow in the afternoon, high of 4°C. Evening low of -1°C with frost.
  • October 6: Partly cloudy, high of 3°C, with frost overnight.
  • October 7: Clear skies, high of 2°C. Cold overnight with lows around -2°C.
  • Wardrobe: Heavy coat, gloves, and waterproof footwear for snow showers.

Wasaho Cree Nation (Fort Severn)

Current Conditions (October 5, 2024)

  • Temperature: 0°C
  • Winds: Northwest at 20 km/h
  • Barometric Pressure: 1020 hPa
  • Skies: Overcast

October 5-7 Forecast:

  • October 5: Snow showers, high of 0°C, with gusty winds up to 30 km/h. Low of -3°C overnight.
  • October 6: Cloudy with snow flurries, high of -1°C. Cold overnight with frost.
  • October 7: Clear and cold, high of -2°C. Expect lows around -5°C.
  • Wardrobe: Full winter gear, including insulated jackets, gloves, and boots.

Fort Hope (Eabametoong)

Current Conditions (October 5, 2024)

  • Temperature: 2°C
  • Winds: Northwest at 15 km/h
  • Barometric Pressure: 1017 hPa
  • Skies: Cloudy

October 5-7 Forecast:

  • October 5: Overcast with light snow in the afternoon, high of 3°C. Evening low of -2°C with frost likely.
  • October 6: Cloudy with sunny breaks, high of 2°C. Frost overnight.
  • October 7: Clear skies, high of 2°C, with frost expected overnight.
  • Wardrobe: Layered winter clothing, gloves, and a hat to prepare for the cold conditions.

Sachigo Lake

Current Conditions (October 5, 2024)

  • Temperature: 1°C
  • Winds: Northwest at 15 km/h
  • Barometric Pressure: 1021 hPa
  • Skies: Overcast

October 5-7 Forecast:

  • October 5: Cloudy with light snow in the afternoon, high of 2°C. Overnight low of -3°C with frost.
  • October 6: Partly cloudy, high of 1°C. Frost overnight.
  • October 7: Clear skies, high of 0°C, frost overnight.
  • Wardrobe: Insulated winter coat, gloves, and waterproof boots for the snow.

KI (Big Trout Lake)

Current Conditions (October 5, 2024)

  • Temperature: 1°C
  • Winds: Northwest at 10 km/h
  • Barometric Pressure: 1020 hPa
  • Skies: Cloudy

October 5-7 Forecast:

  • October 5: Cloudy with snow flurries in the afternoon, high of 2°C. Overnight low of -2°C with frost.
  • October 6: Partly cloudy, high of 1°C. Frost overnight.
  • October 7: Clear skies, high of 1°C. Overnight temperatures dropping to -3°C.
  • Wardrobe: Layered winter clothing with gloves and hats for frosty conditions.

Sandy Lake

Current Conditions (October 5, 2024)

  • Temperature: 1°C
  • Winds: Northwest at 10 km/h
  • Barometric Pressure: 1019 hPa
  • Skies: Cloudy

October 5-7 Forecast:

  • October 5: Cloudy with snow flurries in the afternoon, high of 2°C. Evening low of -3°C with frost expected.
  • October 6: Mostly cloudy, high of 1°C. Frost overnight.
  • October 7: Clear skies, high of 1°C, with lows around -3°C.
  • Wardrobe: Insulated outerwear, gloves, and winter boots.

Cat Lake

Current Conditions (October 5, 2024)

  • Temperature: 2°C
  • Winds: Northwest at 15 km/h
  • Barometric Pressure: 1018 hPa
  • Skies: Cloudy

October 5-7 Forecast:

  • October 5: Cloudy with light snow in the afternoon, high of 3°C. Overnight low of -1°C with frost expected.
  • October 6: Partly sunny, high of 2°C, frost overnight.
  • October 7: Clear skies, high of 2°C. Expect frost overnight with temperatures falling to -2°C.
  • Wardrobe: Heavy jacket, gloves, and waterproof boots for the snow.

Kasabonika Lake

Current Conditions (October 5, 2024)

  • Temperature: 1°C
  • Winds: Northwest at 15 km/h
  • Barometric Pressure: 1020 hPa
  • Skies: Overcast

October 5-7 Forecast:

  • October 5: Cloudy with snow flurries, high of 2°C. Low of -2°C overnight with frost expected.
  • October 6: Cloudy with sunny breaks, high of 1°C, frost overnight.
  • October 7: Clear skies, high of 1°C. Frost likely overnight as temperatures fall to -3°C.
  • Wardrobe: Warm, layered clothing, gloves, and insulated boots for outdoor activities.

Neskantaga (Landsdowne House)

Current Conditions (October 5, 2024)

  • Temperature: 2°C
  • Winds: Northwest at 10 km/h
  • Barometric Pressure: 1018 hPa
  • Skies: Cloudy

October 5-7 Forecast:

  • October 5: Overcast with light snow in the afternoon, high of 3°C. Evening low of -1°C, with frost likely.
  • October 6: Partly cloudy, high of 2°C, frost overnight.
  • October 7: Clear skies, high of 1°C. Frost expected with temperatures dipping to -3°C overnight.
  • Wardrobe: Heavy layers, gloves, and waterproof boots for snow showers.


Current Conditions (October 5, 2024)

  • Temperature: -1°C
  • Winds: Northwest at 20 km/h
  • Barometric Pressure: 1019 hPa
  • Skies: Overcast

October 5-7 Forecast:

  • October 5: Snow showers, high of 0°C. Winds from the northwest at 25 km/h. Evening low of -3°C.
  • October 6: Cloudy with snow flurries, high of -1°C, frost expected overnight.
  • October 7: Clear skies, high of -2°C. Expect lows around -5°C overnight.
  • Wardrobe: Full winter gear, including a heavy coat, gloves, and insulated boots.

Summary of Conditions

The northern communities will experience a cold and cloudy weekend with light snow showers across the region. Daytime highs will range from -2°C to 4°C, and nighttime lows will drop below freezing, with frost expected each night. The cold northwesterly winds will add to the chill, making winter clothing necessary throughout the weekend.

Wardrobe Recap:

  • October 5: Heavy coat, gloves, and boots for snow showers.
  • October 6: Warm layers with a heavier jacket for frost overnight.
  • October 7: Insulated winter gear, including gloves and scarves, for frosty mornings and chilly temperatures.
Previous articleWeekend Weather Report for Fort Frances and Atikokan: October 5, 6, and 7, 2024
Next articleWeekend Weather Report for Sioux Lookout and Pickle Lake: October 5, 6, and 7, 2024