When Should You Hire a Locksmith To Rekey Your Home?

Locked Door

When you rekey a lock at your home, you change the existing code and get a new key so that you can’t access the door without any issue, and the new key remains properly functional. If you think that rekeying is troublesome, rethink; it is a completely safe option that increases the security of your home and also provides a reduced financial cost when compared with lock replacement.

So, let’s examine the situations in which you should consider rekeying your home with the help of a professional locksmith.

  • After purchasing your home 

When you purchase a new home in Kansas City, you must rekey all the locks so that the space cannot be used by the previous owner or multiple contractors who have been accessing the house until now. This would also increase the security of your home, and you would not have to spend on an additional lock replacement. Further, it would keep your home safe and confidential from strangers.

  • Losing your keys

If you have lost the previous key, which can occur for various reasons, you must consider rekeying. In general, if you have lost the key and never found it back, then there are chances it could have fallen into the hands of any burglar who can easily break into your house. So, change the keys immediately to maintain the safety and integrity of the house.

  • After a break-in

If you find that someone has forced entry into your property, either through the window or door, then it’s time to rekey with the help of a professional locksmith. In this situation, the burglars usually have a spare key that you might have forgotten about, so to prevent further security issues, you must rekey the lock on time.

  • Broken lock

If the door lock is broken or if you have rekeyed it at any store, you need to rekey it again by hiring a professional locksmith in Kansas City. This would ensure that your key codes are not shared with the store owner. Also, you do not want to end up standing locked outside of your own home due to a broken lock.

  • Change of residence

If your roommates have left or your partner has recently shifted out of your house, you must rekey the locks. This would ensure that the previous homeowner does not have access to the key or can break into your house. It would keep you and your home safe and prevent the previous owners from making additional lock system changes.


  • Standardized the lock 

If you have multiple keys that need to be clarified, you can go for a standardized lock, which would have one single key and be able to open or lock every gate. It ensures that you do not face any inconvenience or stay locked out of your house. With the standardized lock, you can lock or unlock areas of the home using a single unified key.


Rekeying the lock is the ideal method for ensuring safety and security and maintaining a standard locking mechanism. If the lock is unsuitable for your home, you can also rekey or upgrade to a new set of locks. Whatever the situation, you must always look for reliable and professional locksmith services Kansas City MO, to ensure complete satisfaction.

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