Cloudy with Showers in Sioux Lookout and Lac Seul

Sioux Lookout Weather Desk

Cool, Cloudy, and Some Showers Ahead

Sioux Lookout and Lac Seul are in for a cloudy and cool stretch of weather. Today, expect highs around 25°C with a 60% chance of showers in the afternoon and a risk of thunderstorms. Winds will pick up to 20 km/h, gusting up to 40 km/h. Overnight, the temperature will drop to 9°C, with continuing showers.

Cooler Days Coming

Thursday, September 5, will bring a cloudy day with a 40% chance of showers and cooler temperatures, with highs of 13°C. The showers may persist into the evening, with lows of 5°C. Friday will clear up a bit, with a high of 14°C but much cooler overnight, dropping to 0°C.

The weekend will gradually warm up, with Saturday bringing 15°C, and by Sunday, temperatures will rise to 21°C under a mix of sun and cloud​ (Environment Canada).

Wardrobe Tips

Prepare for the cool and rainy weather with waterproof clothing, especially for today and Thursday. As the weekend approaches, you can enjoy sunnier weather, but layers will be helpful as the evenings remain cool.

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