Hazy Conditions Expected in Neskantaga and Webequie

Neskantage Airport - Landsdowne House

Weather Forecast for Neskantaga and Webequie

As of 7:00 AM EDT on August 17th, the weather in Neskantaga and Webequie is currently hazy, with a temperature of 15.5°C. The humidity is at 87%, and winds are coming from the north at 11 km/h. Visibility is reduced to 6 km due to the haze.

Daytime Forecast

Today, the skies will start off cloudy but will become a mix of sun and clouds as the morning progresses. The haze will persist into the afternoon, with winds shifting to the northwest at 20 km/h, gusting up to 40 km/h. The high temperature for the day will reach 24°C, with a humidex making it feel like 26°C. The UV index is expected to be 6, which is considered high, so if you’re outdoors, don’t forget sunscreen and protective clothing.

Evening and Sunday Outlook

Tonight, expect increasing cloudiness early in the evening, with the haze continuing. Winds will shift northward at 30 km/h before becoming light later in the evening, and temperatures will drop to a low of 10°C.

On Sunday, August 18th, the day will start sunny, with lingering haze in the morning. Winds will pick up again from the northwest at 20 km/h by late morning, and the high will only reach 19°C. The night will bring cloudy periods with a low of 7°C.

Extended Forecast

Looking ahead to Monday, August 19th, a mix of sun and clouds is expected with a high of 23°C, and the night will be clear with temperatures dropping to 7°C. Tuesday, August 20th, will be sunny with a high of 23°C, followed by cloudy periods during the night with a low of 12°C.

Weather Trivia

Did you know? The summer months in the Neskantaga and Webequie region often bring periods of haze due to forest fires and high humidity, reducing visibility and affecting air quality.

Stay safe and enjoy the weekend!

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