Nishnawbe Aski Police

(Attawapiskat, ON) – Police on Wednesday arrested a female accused of trafficking opioids into the community of Attawapiskat First Nation.

Nishnawbe Aski Police Service officers working out of the Attawapiskat First Nation detachment responded to a call for service at the community airport in the late-morning hours of Wednesday, August. 14, 2024.

Police learned an adult female was suspected of being in possession of opioids for the purpose of trafficking them into Attawapiskat First Nation.

When officers arrived at the airport, they identified and located the female suspect. As a result of continued investigation, the female was arrested without incident.

Police seized a quantity of suspected Percocet pills.

A 43-year-old woman from Attawapiskat First Nation is charged with:

  • Possession of Percocet for the Purpose of Trafficking

The accused has been released from custody with conditions and a future appearance date.

The identity of accused individuals is withheld until charges have been formally sworn before the courts.



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