Calgary Weather Forecast: Clear Skies and Mild Days Ahead


Current Weather Conditions

As of 3:00 AM MDT on Sunday, July 28, 2024, Calgary is experiencing mostly cloudy skies with a temperature of 14°C. The dew point is at 6.6°C, resulting in a humidity level of 61%. Winds are coming from the south-southwest at 8 km/h, with a barometric pressure of 100.8 kPa and falling. Visibility is at 16 km.

Today’s Forecast: July 28, 2024

Today will start sunny, becoming a mix of sun and cloud by the afternoon. The high temperature will reach 25°C, with a humidex of 27. The UV index is expected to be 7, indicating high levels, so sunscreen and protective clothing are recommended.

Tonight’s Forecast

Tonight, skies will clear late in the evening, with temperatures dropping to a low of 15°C.

Tomorrow’s Forecast: July 29, 2024

Monday will be sunny with a high of 24°C. The evening will see increasing cloudiness with a 30% chance of showers and a low of 13°C.

The Week Ahead

  • July 30, 2024: Expect sunny weather with a high of 24°C. The night will be clear with a low of 13°C.

Historical Weather Data

  • July 28: The highest temperature recorded on this date was 34.4°C in 1939. The record low was 1.7°C in 1926, and the greatest precipitation was 39.6 mm in 1924.
  • July 29: Historically, temperatures have reached up to 34.4°C, with the lowest being 1.7°C in 1899. The greatest precipitation recorded on this date was 67.6 mm in 1950.

What to Wear

With sunny conditions and mild temperatures, lightweight and breathable clothing such as T-shirts and shorts are recommended. Sunscreen and a hat are advisable to protect against the high UV index. A light jacket might be useful for cooler evenings.

Fun Weather Fact

Did you know that Calgary holds the record for the highest July temperature of 36.1°C in 1919? Despite its high altitude, Calgary can experience very warm summer days, perfect for enjoying outdoor activities.

Stay updated on Calgary’s weather with the NetNewsLedger Weather Desk’s detailed forecasts.

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