Clear and Warm in Sault Ste. Marie: A Perfect Summer Weekend

Barbecues steaks on a charcoal grill
Barbecues steaks on a charcoal grill

Today’s Weather in Sault Ste. Marie

Current Conditions

Sault Ste. Marie is experiencing sunny skies today with a high of 26°C. Winds are light, coming from the south at 15 km/h. The barometric pressure is steady at 101.8 kPa, and the humidity is around 50%, creating a comfortable summer day.

Forecast for the Next Few Days

  • Tonight: The skies will remain clear with a low of 14°C. Winds will stay light from the south at 10-15 km/h, making for a pleasant evening.
  • July 28, 2024: Expect sunny weather throughout the day with a high of 27°C. The night will be clear and cool, dropping to 15°C.
  • July 29, 2024: Another sunny day is forecasted with a high of 28°C. The night will remain clear with a low of 16°C.
  • July 30, 2024: Clear and sunny conditions continue with temperatures reaching a high of 29°C and a low of 17°C at night.
  • July 31, 2024: Warm and sunny weather persists, with a high of 30°C and a nighttime low of 18°C.

Historical Weather Data

Historically, Sault Ste. Marie experiences an average high of 24.4°C and an average low of 11.9°C in late July. The highest recorded temperature on this date was 31.6°C in 1983, while the lowest was 3.3°C in 1946. The greatest precipitation recorded on this date is 17.5 mm, set in 1973.

What to Wear

With the warm and sunny conditions, lightweight and breathable clothing is recommended. Don’t forget your sunglasses, hat, and sunscreen to protect against the high UV index. Staying hydrated is also important, so carry water if you’re spending time outdoors.

Interesting Weather Trivia

Sault Ste. Marie, located on the border of Ontario and Michigan, often experiences the moderating effects of Lake Superior. This can lead to cooler temperatures in the summer and milder conditions in the winter compared to other parts of Ontario.

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