Current Weather Overview
Today in Greater Sudbury
At 6:00 AM EDT, Greater Sudbury is experiencing partly cloudy conditions with a temperature of 10.6°C. The humidity is high at 96%, with a dew point of 10.0°C. Winds are from the west-northwest at 9 km/h, and visibility is at 32 km. The barometric pressure is 101.8 kPa and falling.
Historical Weather Facts for Today
On this date, the highest recorded temperature in Greater Sudbury was 33.5°C in 1975, and the lowest was 3.3°C in 1982.
Detailed Forecast for the Upcoming Days
Today will start sunny, becoming a mix of sun and cloud near noon. Fog patches will dissipate this morning. The high will be 26°C, with a humidex of 28, and a high UV index of 7. Tonight, the weather will be partly cloudy with a low of 14°C.
The day will be mainly cloudy with a 40% chance of showers in the afternoon and a risk of thunderstorms. The high will be 23°C with a humidex of 26 and a UV index of 7. The night will be cloudy with a 60% chance of showers and a low of 16°C.
Expect a cloudy day with a 60% chance of showers and a high of 22°C. The night will remain cloudy with a 60% chance of showers and a low of 14°C.
Wardrobe Suggestions
Given the sunny and warm conditions today, it’s advisable to wear light and breathable clothing. For the high UV index, sunscreen and sunglasses are recommended. Keep an umbrella or rain jacket handy for potential showers and thunderstorms on Tuesday and Wednesday. For the cooler nights, a light jacket or sweater will be useful.
Weather Trivia
Did you know? Greater Sudbury, known for its mining heritage, often experiences significant temperature variations. The city’s unique geography can lead to cool mornings and warm afternoons, as seen in today’s forecast.