Current Weather Overview
Today in Vermilion Bay and Dryden
DRYDEN – WEATHER – At 4:38 AM CDT, Dryden is experiencing light rain with a temperature of 16.0°C. The humidity is high at 95%, with a dew point of 15.2°C. Winds are from the north-northeast at 4 km/h, and visibility is at 16 km. The barometric pressure is 101.8 kPa.
Historical Weather Facts for Today
On this date, the highest recorded temperature in Dryden was 33.3°C in 1972, and the lowest was 5.5°C in 1966.
Detailed Forecast for the Upcoming Days
The day will remain cloudy with a 60% chance of showers and a risk of thunderstorms. Local smoke is expected this afternoon. Winds will shift to the northeast at 20 km/h in the afternoon. The high will be 21°C, with a humidex of 26 and a moderate UV index of 5. Tonight, the weather will be mainly cloudy with a 40% chance of showers and local smoke in the evening. Fog patches are expected overnight, with a low of 12°C. Winds will become light in the evening.
Expect a mix of sun and cloud with fog patches dissipating in the morning. The high will be 21°C with a UV index of 6, which is high. The night will have cloudy periods with a 30% chance of showers and a low of 13°C.
Sunny skies will prevail with a high of 24°C. The night will be clear, with temperatures dropping to 13°C.
Another sunny day with a high of 26°C. The night will remain clear, with a low of 18°C.
Wardrobe Suggestions
Given the rainy and humid conditions, it’s advisable to wear waterproof or water-resistant clothing today. As the day progresses and temperatures rise, light and breathable clothing will be comfortable. For the smoky conditions, consider wearing a mask if you are sensitive to smoke. Keep an umbrella handy for potential showers and thunderstorms. For the cooler nights, a light jacket or sweater will be useful.
Weather Trivia
Did you know? Dryden and Vermilion Bay, located in northwestern Ontario, often experience a mix of weather conditions due to their proximity to numerous lakes and forests. This can result in rapid changes from rain to clear skies within a short period.