Cool and Hazy Morning in Wasaho Cree Nation

Wasaho Cree Nation Weather Desk

Current Weather Overview

Today in Wasaho Cree Nation

Wasaho Cree Nation – Weather – At 5:04 AM EDT, Fort Severn Airport, near Wasaho Cree Nation, is experiencing hazy conditions with a temperature of 4.4°C. Winds are from the north at 17 km/h, gusting up to 28 km/h, and visibility is limited to 1.6 km. The barometric pressure is 102.3 kPa.

Historical Weather Facts for Today

On this date, the highest recorded temperature in Fort Severn was 27.3°C in 1998, and the lowest was -1.1°C in 1974.

Detailed Forecast for the Upcoming Days


The morning will be cloudy with a 30% chance of showers or drizzle early. Conditions will improve to a mix of sun and cloud in the afternoon as fog patches dissipate. The high will be 16°C, with a moderate UV index of 4. Tonight, skies will clear, and the temperature will drop to a low of 8°C.


Mainly sunny throughout the day with a high of 24°C. The UV index will be moderate at 5. The night will remain clear with a low of 12°C.


Sunny skies with a high of 25°C. The night will have cloudy periods with a 30% chance of showers, and temperatures will drop to 9°C.


A mix of sun and cloud with a 30% chance of showers and a high of 18°C. The night will have cloudy periods with a low of 15°C.

Wardrobe Suggestions

Given the cool morning temperatures and haze, it is advisable to wear warm layers that can be removed as the day warms up. Sunglasses and sunscreen are recommended for the sunny and partly cloudy periods, especially with a moderate UV index. For the potential showers early in the morning, a waterproof jacket may be useful. For the cooler nights, a warm jacket or sweater will be necessary.

Weather Trivia

Did you know? Wasaho Cree Nation, located near the northernmost settlement in Ontario, experiences significant temperature variations and unique weather patterns due to its proximity to Hudson Bay. This remote location often sees early morning fog and haze, which can rapidly clear up by the afternoon.

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