Weekly Update from Eric Melillo MP – Kenora

Kenora MP Eric Melillo
Kenora MP Eric Melillo

Kenora – Politics – It was great to meet with Cheryl O’Flaherty, President and CEO of the Lake of the Woods District Hospital, about her new role, the hospital’s priorities and how the federal government can support healthcare in our region.

I was in Thunder Bay to attend the Forestry Products Association of Canada’s dinner to celebrate northwestern Ontario’s rich forestry history. This vital industry employs thousands of residents in the region and across the country. I shared how a Common Sense Conservative government will protect these jobs and help workers bring home powerful paycheques.

Please Join Me in Dryden on July 31st

I am happy to be hosting another free community barbeque in Dryden this summer.

I hope you’ll join me on July 31st at Cooper Park from 11:30 am – 1 pm for a free BBQ lunch and light refreshments. I look forward to seeing you there!

Canada’s Unemployment Rate Surges To 6.4 Percent

After nine years of this NDP-Liberal government, Canadians are struggling to find work. This was evident recently through a Statistics Canada report which showed that unemployment had climbed to 6.4 percent.

As a result of this, 42,000 extra Canadians became unemployed in June, with there now being 1.4 million Canadians being unemployed in total.

The state of Canada’s economy is even worse when population growth is taken into account. In June, Canada’s population grew by 98,700 people, while employment remained virtually unchanged. Previously, Statistics Canada has made clear that 50,000 jobs are needed each month just to keep up with population growth.

Under this NDP-Liberal government, Canada’s economy can no longer keep up with our population, meaning fewer opportunities for everyone.

Among those most affected by this are young Canadians. As the Governor of the Bank of Canada, Tiff Macklem, said in a speech, “with fewer job vacancies, it’s taking longer for young people entering the labour market to find a job, and their unemployment rate has risen. It’s now about 2 percentage points above its pre-pandemic average.”

This NDP-Liberal government is not worth the cost. Only Common Sense Conservatives will bring home powerful paycheques for Canadians.

Working for You

If you’re planning to be in Ottawa and are interested in attending Question Period or taking a tour of Parliament, please let me know and my office can help reserve Question Period and tour tickets.

As always, if there is anything my office can assist you with, please call me at 807-223-2182 (Dryden) or 807-468-2170 (Kenora) or email me at eric.melillo@parl.gc.ca.

Eric Melillo
Member of Parliament
Kenora Riding

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