Kenora, Lake of the Woods and Winnipeg East Cottage Country Weather: Sunny Skies and Warm Temperatures

Coming soon to Kenora MV Kenora - Image Ferg Devins

Current Weather and Forecast for Kenora, Lake of the Woods, and Winnipeg East Cottage Country

Today’s Weather

At 7:00 AM CDT on Thursday, July 18, 2024, the temperature in Kenora is 15.6°C with partly cloudy conditions observed at Kenora Airport. The barometric pressure is 102.3 kPa and rising, the dew point is 11.0°C, and the humidity is at 74%. The wind is coming from the southwest at 7 km/h, and visibility is excellent at 32 km. The forecast for today is sunny with a high of 24°C, but it will feel like 28°C with the humidex. The UV index is 7, indicating high UV radiation.

Upcoming Days

July 18, 2024 (Tonight)

The night will be clear initially, with increasing cloudiness near midnight. The low will be 16°C.

July 19, 2024 (Friday)

Friday will have a mix of sun and cloud with a 30% chance of showers late in the afternoon, and there is a risk of a thunderstorm. The high will reach 29°C, with a humidex making it feel like 35°C. The UV index will again be 7, indicating high UV radiation. The night will see cloudy periods with a 30% chance of showers, and the low will be 18°C.

July 20, 2024 (Saturday)

Saturday will bring a mix of sun and cloud with a 30% chance of showers. The high will be 28°C, and the night will be clear with a low of 17°C.

July 21, 2024 (Sunday)

Sunday will see another mix of sun and cloud with a 30% chance of showers. The high will be 29°C, and the night will have cloudy periods with a 30% chance of showers, with a low of 18°C.

Historical Weather Trivia

On July 18th, Kenora has seen various weather extremes. While specific historical records for the highest and lowest temperatures and precipitation on this date aren’t available in the current data, typical summer weather in this region includes warm days with occasional thunderstorms due to its location near large water bodies.

Wardrobe Suggestions

For the sunny and warm days ahead, lightweight and breathable clothing is recommended. Given the high UV index, sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen are essential. With the potential for showers and thunderstorms, having an umbrella or a light rain jacket on hand would be prudent.

Kenora Weather Trivia

Kenora, located on the shore of Lake of the Woods, often experiences weather influenced by the lake. This can lead to sudden changes, with clear skies turning to thunderstorms rapidly, especially in the summer months.

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