Kenora and Lake of the Woods Cottage and Camp Country Weather Forecast: June 25, 2024

Kenora - A Gem of the Region
Kenora - A Gem of the Region

Today’s Forecast

Current Conditions: Observed at 6:00 AM CDT at Kenora Airport, the weather is sunny with a temperature of 17.4°C. The barometric pressure is at 100.2 kPa and rising. The dew point is 10.1°C, resulting in a humidity level of 62%. The wind is blowing from the west at 17 km/h, and visibility is excellent at 32 km.

Morning and Afternoon

The morning will remain sunny, with increasing cloudiness expected near noon. There is a 70 percent chance of showers this afternoon, along with a risk of thunderstorms. Winds will shift to the west, reaching 30 km/h, gusting to 60 km/h this morning. The high temperature will be 23°C, with a humidex of 26. The UV index is 5, indicating moderate risk of UV exposure.

Getting ready for the upcoming Canada Day long weekend? There is always something to do in Kenora. Be sure to get active. If you remember the age old Participaction ads on television where the 60 year old Swede was more fit than the average Canadian – Well now it is most of the planet who are not active enough. Put down the smartphone and go for a walk.


Tonight will be cloudy with a 70 percent chance of showers. Winds will be from the northwest at 20 km/h, becoming light near midnight. The low temperature will be 9°C.

Extended Forecast

Wednesday, June 26

The day will be cloudy with a high temperature of 19°C. The UV index will be high at 6. During the night, expect cloudy periods with a low of 11°C.

Thursday, June 27

Thursday will be cloudy with a 30 percent chance of showers. The high temperature will be 22°C. The night will remain cloudy with a 30 percent chance of showers and a low of 14°C.

Friday, June 28

Friday will continue to be cloudy with a 60 percent chance of showers. The high temperature will be 20°C. Showers are expected to continue into the night, with a low of 11°C.

Historical Weather Data

On this day in Kenora’s history, the highest recorded temperature was 31.6°C, and the lowest was 5.1°C.

Wardrobe Suggestions

Light and breathable clothing is recommended for today, along with a hat and sunscreen due to the moderate UV index. Keep an umbrella and a light jacket handy for the potential showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening.

Weather Trivia

Did you know that Lake of the Woods, with its more than 14,500 islands, is one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world? It’s a paradise for anglers, boaters, and nature lovers.


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