Current Conditions in Vancouver
As of 2:00 AM PDT on Monday, June 24, 2024, the weather at Vancouver International Airport is 14°C and cloudy. The barometric pressure is 101.8 kPa and rising. Humidity levels are at 84%, with a dew point of 11.3°C. The wind is coming from the south-southeast at 6 km/h, offering a mild breeze. Visibility is an excellent 32 kilometers.
Today’s Forecast
Expect a mix of sun and clouds today with a 30% chance of showers in the morning. The skies will clear up by late morning, bringing a high of 21°C. The UV index is 7, indicating high UV exposure, so be sure to apply sunscreen if you’re planning to be outdoors. Tonight will be clear with temperatures dropping to a low of 12°C.
Weather for the Next Few Days
Tuesday, June 25: The day will start with increasing cloudiness, leading to a high of 20°C, although it will reach 24°C inland. The evening will be cloudy, with a low of 15°C.
Wednesday, June 26: Showers are expected throughout the day, with temperatures reaching a high of 18°C. The night will remain cloudy with a 60% chance of showers and a low of 14°C.
Historical Weather Data
On this date in Vancouver, the historical high was 27.3°C, and the record low was 9.4°C.
Wardrobe Suggestions
Given the mix of sun and clouds with a chance of morning showers, it’s a good idea to wear layers today. A light jacket or raincoat for the morning and lighter clothing for the afternoon when it clears up. Don’t forget your sunscreen due to the high UV index.
Fun Weather Fact
Did you know that Vancouver’s coastal climate often results in rapid weather changes? This means you can experience sunshine and rain within a short period, making it essential to be prepared for various weather conditions throughout the day.